
The fact that nobody ever bothered to anglify the names of Iceland's cities says something about the way the world feels about Iceland. Not shocking that we'd blame them for a volcanic eruption.

Let's make eggs!

If you didn't think the line, "Didn't you ever see Step by Step?" was funny, you are a poor judge of comedy.

Alex Chilton died a hero
Remember kids, in the 21st century, your only valid means of dissent is the boycott. The Tea Partiers still have absolutely no clue that they were co-opted by the health insurance industry.(which boggles the mind. How stupid are these people?) I have no idea what happened to moveon.org, but

The ONDCP's ads are intended to make children want to use drugs. When drugs are seized by the police, they are sold to fund the CIA's black ops. Why do you think there are so many cops selling drugs in schools? OK, some of them are just dirty cops, but the rest is true.

Australia somehow not above defending itself against Robin Williams
Before they reach the age of 25, when their skin undergoes a metamorphosis known as the leatherening, Australian women are among the most beautiful in the world.

Starbucks sells ground coffee beans for home consumption. You're both dumber than a guy who says you're jealous of his radness.

No surprise at all. Diabeetus checks his blood sugar after every meal.

If we all keep asking what the meme was, that will become the meme. Otherwise, there is no hot tub time machine meme.

Cloe Sevigny was in a movie?

Then it's settled. To redeem himself, Zach Braff must resurrect Games of our Lives.

I think I'm the only person who ever liked Worlds Apart, which is a shame, because Nils would have wailed on that solo if Bruce ever put it on a setlist. Cf Youngstown.

A part of me is glad that Ringo was the one who had to prove his pop songwriting ability when the band broke up. Photograph and It Don't Come Easy remain my favorite post-Beatles songs. I'm also glad that George was the one to give him an assist on Photograph. Non-dickish Beatles FTW

Wait, women don't like to be stared at?
The next time I run a 10k, I'm going to call it an ultra 5k. Also, doing high rep lifting until your form goes bad incorporates a lot of stabilizer muscles that you wouldn't normally use and actually helps prevent future injuries, so get off my ass, gym nazis.

Push! Harder! Go past the max! Reach over the top! Master your ass!

Did you get backup sources for those stories? The comment boards can't afford to print another retraction.

For the last time, it's the Eschaton, motherfuckers. The Apocalypse has already happened, and any upcoming apocalypses would presumably be about something other than the Eschaton.

I was never abused
So I guess my gambling addiction doesn't really exist. Thanks, Dr. Drew!

I know I'm not the only one who just spent all day following in SJ's footprints. Can we establish March 1st as International talk like a police captain day?

don't overuse it, av club staff!
Denouement is my favorite word.