
Jorge Garcia
When Hurley pitches his sitcom to ABC, which of the lovely ladies of Lost will he pick to play his hot wife?

gay porn
not a fan

You can't fit a whole can of manwich into a cupcake. That would equal 24 cans of manwich in the batter.

Some people need to *know* the cake they're eating is special.

Some questions are better left unasked.

All these conspiracy theories are a Saudi plot to convince us that they didn't attack us. That's why they all hate on the Jews. Also, the governor of Indiana has been in office 6 years. Shortening the lines at the BMV has been his only accomplishment. He didn't even change it from a bureau to a department so we

His career has peaked. Don't take that away from him.

Hens lay about 6 eggs per week whether they've been fertilized or not. Increased demand for unfertilized eggs is bad news for roosters.

If you type Google into Google, you can break the internet. So please, no one try it, even for a joke.

Those drug-addled, sex-crazed sellouts have been an albatross around the neck of every progressive movement for the past 40 years. Fucking useless fucks.

@Guy With Pie: How big is your clitoris?

Maybe I missed an episode, but wasn't Dean under the impression up until now that being Michael's vessel would turn him into a vegetable? That's what made it plausible for Sam and Dean to both keep saying no. Michael's promise to leave him relatively unharmed now makes it sensible for Dean to say yes while Sam

I was gonna write that episode on spec, but I guess if they've already done it…

I thought My Favourite Game was a hit. I still hear it all the time. Guess I don't pay close enough attention to the charts. Good song.

I don't know the guy, but I've got two kidneys and he needs one, so I figured…

Inter-Services Intelligence. It's a Pakistani intelligence agency.

And the Murphy-Grace spawn is in a band with Sacha Baron Cohen and Dave Attell. I don't know who the other guy is.

I guarantee
Those fuckers at Comcast had something to do with this.

AV Clubbers recognize movies nobody else ever would.
Hi, I'm Vlad Ivanov! You may remember me from such films as Tales from the Golden Age, The Marksman, and Snuff Movie.

Americans are pronouncing it correctly. Without the accent aigu, it's just one syllable.