
But first, the whores!

The devil is purportedly able to assume a pleasing form, so…

I'm sorry
They were the first witchcraft trials in 12 years, not centuries.

I am so tired of the media's impossibly high standards of maturity and intelligence for men.

Every time the AV Club does something you don't like
In this case, omitting Firefly, you should do something they don't like, such as suggesting headlines for The Onion. "PR firm suggests Texas soften image with new slogan: 'Please don't mess with Texas.'" Or just keep on proclaiming your incredulity, which is also

Please don't lump AI in with these fucktards
On behalf of all Amnesty International members, I'd like to apologize for our praise for the state of Illinois. The death penalty moratorium was a big deal for us, but we can't condone this behavior.

Crank: High Voltage was more fun to watch than any other movie released this year. The Unit was pretty good for network programming. Both grades are reasonable.

and plus also too as well
Bob Mould MM 17
Almost anything by We are Scientists, especially Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt and Impatience.

Silly British person, David Letterman did sac all those women.

Maybe she was in the habit of bringing along a fuck swing on all her dates. Y'know, just in case.

Mizerock, we're all just hoping for the day to come when all paraplegics have the requisite self esteem to turn down sex with Brett Ratner.

My city's police don't enforce the no bikes on the sidewalk law, so I use it when there are no pedestrians and otherwise stick to the shoulder. In 4+ years of bicycle commuting I've had a tennis ball and a McDonald's soda thrown at me. I'm getting a lead pipe for next time.

i choose f
I hope I live long enough that I can tell worthless kids what I think of them without fear of retaliation. America is obsessed with youth and humiliation, so I applaud Roker and Letterman for hitting two sweet spots by humiliating the young.

This is a month overdue, but for anyone else who happens upon these comments, grundle is a synonym for a man's t'isn't.

Thus sayeth Barbara Walters
Men:fake orgasms::Mahmoud Ahmadinejad:The Holocaust

I hope nobody was stupid enough to pay up
Springsteen is the easiest act in the world to get tickets at face value after his shows are sold out. Backstreets ticket exchange and StubHub never fail. Maybe it's different in New York and Philadelphia, but I only paid $220 for a pair on the floor in Chicago and even less

Nice try, Will You Marry Me, but honey is bee barf.

ironic iron-on?
I once saw a woman wearing a "Scientology Recruiter" t-shirt. I was afraid to ask her if it was a joke.

Dildoscars is too easy to mispronounce.