
Damn it, @Dick Whiteman, you've made me want to grow a rattail.

Unreliable Narrator, you've got me thinking about a movie in which one of the plot points involves not feeding oppressed African-American women after midnight.

Yeah, ketchup is nasty on fries. Gravy is good, though.

I need me a girl who can give me the runs.

Isn't he associated with . . .

smm - please tell me you're a gynecologist.

I agree. Let's not enjoy any music too much!! And let's make sure to judge artists as much by by the people who like them as by their work!! And let's applaud people for their distinctive voices when we first encounter them, and criticize them for still being interested about the same things three years later!!

I'm choosing to see this as
Myers' attempt to atone for "Cat in the Hat." Because nothing could be as much an abomination as that.

It's been a long time since I lived in Chicago, but there may be a local cable news channel that has an 11 o'clock broadcast.

Post questions on a message board?

Because we all know that that's what made the movie such a glittering slice of fail: the color of Will Smith's skin.

Oddly, I prefer movies I can read.

ricin beans isn't narcoleptic - he's just an old fart. I always laugh when anybody on this board talks about walking out of a movie, because if a movie bores me, I'll just drift off for a while. It's usually the best part of going to movies with my kids - I was really disappointed when I only slept for about 20

I give at least two shits about ZMF, but quoting him in another post comes across as a little over the top.

@ dot dot dot - Lassie is a girl, sir!! Her buried feelings for Timmy are perfectly natural and wholesome, not that deviant homosexuality that you were suggesting!!

He read on my campus in 87. My boss said we needed his Social Security number so the university could pay him, so she had me approach him while a crowd of college students were surrounding him, having him draw pictures of flowers in his "Collected Poems." And when I asked him for his SS #, it was like I'd farted in

I will watch the shit out of this!
Fuck all you negative bitches.

I'd fuck an animated Helen Mirren owl night long.

Chaim Potok is still dead.

That's why I like hieroglyphics. You'll never go back to ordinary words again!