
Perhaps I need to have bigger dreams.

Never fucking mind. Now if they'll only let me say "cunty opinions," my life will be complete.

You can say "fucking"? Why won't they let ME post "fucking"?

It sounds like a blender.

I'm not going to tell anybody what I find strangley addictive.

If Liefeld drew erotic comics, the gentalia would be so massive/bulging that they would obscure the feet.

This review is marred by a gratuitous Zodiac reference.

On the whole, I prefer the poster who will make me feel like warm autumn to the cougar doctor.

Maybe we could all agree that HipsterDBag should stop trying to "post funny comments" and go back to trying to "not think about fucking fat women."

HipsterDBag, you are a gentleman and a prince for not nailing that little drunk girl. Kudos to you, sir.

Theodore Dreiser is a terribly shitty writer, but he's worth reading. And I realize that Jack Kerouac is an important writer and a lot of people love him, but I can't read two of his sentences without getting tired of all of his bullshit.

Anybody else bothered by
"the episode where Jimmy performs shaves his father's testicles"? Because I keep getting mental pictures of shaving your father's testicles as performance art, and for some reason that creeps me out even more than Burt being lathered in llama spit.

The kind of interviewer who lives in a culture that sees fear of and violence toward gay people as normative.

Yeah!! When is the media going to confront Kirkman over his homophobia and hatred?!?!?

Kirkman just likes killing the gays. What else do you need to know?

Sorry?! I didn't catch that?!

1.) Holy crap! If Kat Dennings ever breastfeeds, I can't imagine the baby won't be intimidated by her aggressive rack.

They're saving money on every song shot in the choir room. No new set to build or location to prepare, minimal choreography, fairly easy to film. Do they have to be less concerned about production costs with all the marketing synergy (the song selling machine)? There are executives at Fox who think they could get the

Cogently stated, Braverman.

That's the craziest shit I've ever heard!!