
They were "of a moment." Don't forget that they were roughly contemporaneous with the rise of rap-rock. Plus they actually sounded like an alternative to something at a time when "alternative" was nearly meaningless as a descriptor. I really liked their first two records. I saw them open for TMBG, never having heard

My experience has been that very few of the shows I love now hooked me after one episode, Breaking Bad included. I've learned to be careful about dismissing stuff too quickly. No disrespect, just a counterpoint.

It was the funniest thing I had read all day also, until the moon thing later in the same paragraph. This is top shelf work, here.

They're like animals! And he slaughtered them like animals! He hates them!

@avclub-cbe8412e7469c2bba155a2a353401e5b:disqus Removing Bollocks would render the Sex Pistols discography non-existent, not irrelevant, right? I didn't think they had any other proper albums.
Also, your inclusion of Born To Run and the attendant indirect slagging of Nebraska and The River is troubling.

…woman inherits the Earth.

I think $50 is good for a wedding dress, even if Mindy Kaling did wear it on the internet.

Are we just trying to summon that one troll guy now?

I don't get Nick so I'm also dependent on them putting it up for streaming. [I mean, I will try to go the legal route with nick.com or iTunes first, with other means as a plan B].

I see what I think you did there, I think.

That was the part of this article that made me certain that Dave Hill should fuck off, regardless of his stance on Lenny Kravitz.

So one of the following things seems likely:

Brad Dourif?

Take this, brother. May it serve you well.

Highway Patrolman - B. Springsteen

This makes me both miss and not miss being in college.

Nicholson's Joker seems to me to be pitched at the same level as the Frenchman John Cleese plays in Holy Grail. Compare their reaction shots sometime. So yeah, it's a kick to see somebody do stuff so over the top in what was at the time a major blockbuster-type picture, but as you say, it doesn't age well. There are

Deja vu.

I suspect that people who remember cassettes fondly are conflating cassettes with being young.

Poltergeist has no remake. Poltergeist NEEDS no remake.