
The first year I had my cell phone, I got constant college- and military-recruitment calls for some kid named George. Then those stopped for a few months. Then I started getting collection agencies calling, also for George. So George, wherever you are, fuck you, you fucking deadbeat.

I remember reading a profile of Metallica in Rolling Stone, probably around the time Master of Puppets came out, where they were talking to Lars on the tour bus and "I Want You (She's So Heavy)" came on. Lars enjoyed the big riff at the end, and asked the writer who it was.

I'm jello.

Nice pins, doll.

I've added you DL. My info is above.

Weekend Confirmed!

Not to answer for @Douchetoevsky:disqus but for me Mario Kart 7 was pretty much Mario Kart (and if you dig Mario Kart that's a good thing obviously). My favorite game on the system so far is probably Fire Emblem. But it's really tough to go wrong with all the great stuff that's come out for 3DS this last year or so.

God damn it, I was about to be able to have a weekend, and now I've got to try that BNW I downloaded during the Steam sale and it'll be Monday instantly. Thanks a freakin' lot @Gentileman:disqus.

I also want to trade codes, and I also don't have mine handy. I will try to remember to revisit this thread later today.

Get an XL if you're getting one. I had a regular one since launch and just switched to an XL, and I can't even properly describe how much I prefer it.


This is right on. I used to make a living writing and producing ads for a local radio group, and we totally envied the people who got to work on beer ads. They never had to say anything about the product. We were stuck having to cram our commercials full of stuff that had to do with whatever bar/student apartment

Surely somebody has to die naked, right? Where's that CEO of Tits? Layin' down on the job!


Don't sleep on "Deep In Their Own End."

I figured that they would give saddest console to the Wii U. I have apparently been spending too much time on NeoGAF. To be clear, I have a Wii U and love it, but people don't seem to have much confidence in it, even with the recent influx of great games.

Does this really make sense as an Xbox One timed exclusive? Of course this is all based on my assumptions, but I have to guess that Microsoft is paying good money to have this to themselves for a while. So what is gained by that expenditure when even a casual gamer has to have a pretty good suspicion that Peggle 2 is

I loved it. I hope you enjoy it as well.

You know what movie reminded me of a DFW joint? Computer Chess.

I used to be bugged at my old man, because he was making me stay in my room.