The rest of the country gets WGN America, which shows syndicated stuff or movies in place of CW programming.
The rest of the country gets WGN America, which shows syndicated stuff or movies in place of CW programming.
As a Cubs fan I am exposed to way more WGN-created promos than regular people. Has anyone else noticed that their promos for stuff like "How I Met Your Mother" or "Parks and Recreation" almost always pick out the least funny bits as highlights, and are edited so as to make them even worse? They have zero sense of…
1. My sympathies. You got fucked.
2. One wonders if the show might not be worth attending anyway, given that the audience may well be stocked with enough angry Neil Young fans to make it interesting. Like maybe they'll throw shit and cause Mr. Lightfoot to have an onstage freakout.
@avclub-38d23247d87b0cf60794097048b2ca46:disqus I also love reading DFW's essays, however, I think it's problematic to assume he was just telling what he saw. If you haven't, you should check out D.T. Max's recent biography.
One of the secret best things about being old is that no one gives a shit what music you listen to anymore.
Not on a boat?
Not with a goat?
M.U.L.E is a great example, Rowan. I did play the hell out of some M.U.L.E. with my friend on his Atari 800, and it was fantastic. But as fondly as I remember the game, I know that it wouldn't amuse me for more than a minute or two if I fired it up today. I envy people who can go back and play old computer games and…
"The Ass Family." Classic O'Neal.
@avclub-62812d8eb06386505986efff8b5e43ac:disqus Vacant Lot, represent.
When I was younger I interned at a studio in LA, and one day I was tasked with cataloging all the tapes in the attic. Most of it was uninteresting, but I did consider trying to liberate a giant reel I found that the label said was "You Got Lucky." It would have been hard to smuggle that beast out under my t-shirt, so…
I try to dress like a cool guy… with predictably disastrous results.
Never trust the living!
Close it up, close it up…
Inexplicably, I do feel better.
FIVE BEES? I wouldn't pay five bees to see Great Expectations projected on Merle Oberon's bare back.
I just choked on my own spit. Thanks @Sini_Star:disqus .
I paid the Midwestern equivalent to $12 to see it. I was convinced by the trailer that it might be a fun heist movie or something, with magic. In reality, it was shitty, and I don't intend to fall for it again. You hear that, Lionsgate? You won't get another $6 (matinee) out of me!