
Thanks for mentioning the sound design. I saw it in a theater, and I remember being really struck by the audio work. The soundstage is so skillfully used, and it's difficult to describe after the fact. Loved the movie all around, too.

Laugh if you want. Louise Post is just happy to get some publicity.

And for those who don't like movies, there's "Planes."

Aaaaaaaaand, scene.

It feels like the perfect night to dress up like Hitler.

As good as the show is, the only thing that jumps to mind when trying to identify a favorite was the very first show they devoted to a basic explanation of the economic meltdown - the episode that eventually led to the creation of Planet Money, I think. I can't think of another hour of radio that left me feeling like

I thought there was an announcement that this show wasn't being written up anymore?

It's like one of the characters from a small-market morning zoo show, except on Twitter? I'm not generally a vindictive person, but I'm thrilled that this dickeye lives out of his car.

New feature: "Nice Try, Internet!"

That wallows in lameness!


If God would sue will.i.am for copyright infringement, that would basically be like when they went after Capone on the tax thing, right?

The shield is up; cursed, visageless wall!
A trap it is, into which we doth fall!

I'm not right-wing at all, but I totally agree with you. My primary recollection of the show was that the villains generally didn't have much greater motivation for whatever it was they were doing than that it was fun to be a dick. Maybe in the movie version, they can be intellectually honest about it and just name

Once I went to Lee Ho Fook's and had beef chow mein.

Damn it Eddie, I was all set to give it a try, and then you had to go and bring up fucking Tull.

$20,000,000 bills. Specifically, one of them.

It seems weird that such rules, while unspoken, are so clear that I had the same reaction immediately.

I think if I had stats on how many times an artist gets skipped when I'm listening to my iPod on shuffle, Steely Dan might have the lowest percentage of skips. Like almost zero percent, I think. I got the complete recordings box set for like $15 through a record club back when those existed.

Oh, poopie.