
I get what you're saying, Doc. I guess I just didn't think there was much there in that read that was different from the nature of the show in general. I don't listen to MBMBaM, but another difference between Aukerman's ads and this one is that Aukerman isn't reading any of them during the show recording proper -

Do you think they actually lost that sponsor? I feel like if you are a sponsor on Norm's podcast you should kind of expect something less than a professional live-read for your copy. Now I want one of the guests to start bagging on Norm's Safe-Auto commercials. In closing, Gottfried referencing eating out Catherine

Me and my friends broke a sick story arc for Dengar.

Remember when somebody was putting out those parodies of popular movies, except instead of actors all the characters were thumbs with eyes and mouths? That lady up there looks like a goddamn thumb with a face.

Cornjob will be blamed…

I would guess that the duet was "I Just Can't Stop Loving You."

@Dikachu:disqus Liked for "mosquito's fuck"

"Tom Waits for No Man" b/w "The Lone Audience of the Apocalype"

[FBI agent sprays disinfectant on small-town Sherriff's spaghetti dinner]

Hey, they actually ARE coming right to my town! That never happens, as I'm in the middle of nowhere and there are pretty much no venues here. Unfortunately I listened to the song, and it bored the shit out of me, so I wouldn't even take the 10 minute bike ride it would require to see them, but still, it's nice to feel


It's for a banquet.

I suppose I've purchased beer based on flimsier criteria than "interestingly shaped container." Now I just have to decide on whether the bow-tie can is aesthetically pleasing enough to outweigh the functionally superior Coors Can with Two Vents.

Many Bothans died to bring us this information.

Syndrome has ruined NASCAR!

One break, comin' up!

Human Centipede 3: Human Millipede


I disagree. I thought she was lovely back when she was playing twins on "Another World." And anyway, she looks her age. Good for her.

As long as they still have marathons of all the Harry Potter movies every weekend, I don't care what they show on the other nights.