
I never had a Pantera phase, but this is a really good piece of writing. Nicely done.

Billy Corgan's greatest debt is to Tom Scholz.

I'll stick up for Ray being a decent sort. I worked an event in LA in 1992 that involved me being a gopher for a bunch of actors, comedians and musicians, and I got to talk with him about then-current music and such. He was very personable and friendly, seemed happy to spend the time when he certainly didn't have to,

how is babby yoda formd

They misused it in the same way in an NPR story a few days ago. If you can't count on those pinkos to have your grammatical back, I think it's time to cede the point.

This American Life had a story recently about people who, like, can't get enough of the sound of people whispering or something… I don't remember the exact circumstances. But whatever that condition is, I have it when the lady playing The Oracle talks.

Stupid cartoon yuppies complaining about having too much money. How I hate them.

To me, one of the thrilling elements of the Maltese Falcon is that Bogart is as much in the dark about whatever-the-fuck is going on as the audience is, and yet he manages to improvise around it. The scene where he completely bluffs Sydney Greenstreet, talking entirely out of his ass, then smiles at how much his hand

We get to see in detail what happens to the members of Morpheus' crew when they get killed - "the mind makes it real" as it were, and they die in the chair. I assume that the same happens to the human in the vat. They die, and the machines disconnect them and flush the body out.

For a while I was really hung up on this line Morpheus gives, which I don't remember verbatim but boils down to "It's OK to kill the humans in the Matrix because they're not ready to be enlightened and through their ignorance they're serving our enemies." My understanding of the line made it uncomfortably close (in my

Ich don't even ein a Berliner.

Finally, somebody on this fucking site who's older than me.

I got the Steely Dan t-shirt.

I refuse to believe that anyone on that recording accurately remembers anything that happened.

You're having it on a Wednesday night? That sucks. No, you guys have fun and stuff. I gotta work tomorrow and all, y'know, it's cool though.

Saw off his tweeter.

I remember the night being dominated by shows set in the "Happy Days" universe, yes.

No kidding, that watch looks like it came out of a cereal box.

Amen, brother. Part of ABC's powerhouse Tuesday night block, was it not?

Laughing at the idea of X being "high-profile." Yes, I know, in relation to The Knitters I suppose they are, but still.