Dick Cavett Poo Party

I think this is the Summerslam plan. I don't think they're willing to have the title be on a part-timer that long again, and having Brock squash the other faces on Raw for a whole year is a bad idea.

They responded well during the KO/Jericho stuff and the main event angle. The wrestlers had a high bar to clear to get respect from that crowd. I don't even think Chicago had that many CM Punk chants.

Fatal four way is a no-DQ match, so they can do some booking where she cleans house at the start of the match, then the other three team up to put her through a table or something like that. They also are in love with having big wrestlers be dumb and run themselves into the ringposts or barricades, so that's another

Zayn can do it in the ring as well as anyone, but he's not getting over at the main event level unless he adds something. He just doesn't have that it-factor. Look at the way Jericho adds these new wrinkles throughout his career, the way the crowd desperately wants to hear who's getting "it" and who makes the list.

This was an episode of Raw. I think everything with Owens and Jericho was very strong, and I agree with Kyle about the opening segment. Seems to open the door for a return of a heel GM and The Authority, which I would not welcome, but it also seems like a potential landing spot for Kurt Angle. Kane has been off TV for

Sunday, February 29th, 2032, Lethal Leap Year MUST go down.

It sure seemed like there was something going on in the stands, because the crowd seemed to turn fast and hard on a match that isn't any more tired than what the CWs and tag division have been doing latley.

I'm telling myself that AJ/Shane is setting up an angle, but I did the same for Shane/Taker and was sorely disappointed at how it meant less than nothing.

Bad episode, but I can't at all agree this is always the worst time of the year.

Dennis generates a tremendous amount of power from the bottom.

It's episodes like this that make three hour episodes seem like a good idea, when you have half the roster and still no time for the tag division.

The story for AJ/Randy/Bray would be a mess because I don't see how AJ isn't a 3rd wheel in a story that's been building since this summer, especially when these vignettes outside the arena have been established. Putting AJ into those makes no sense.

They will hear a huge crowd pop and understand this guy is going to be good. It's what happened with AJ Styles. Casuals pay attention quick when the response says that someone is a big star.

SD women aren't making the main show, so multi-woman match is likely. I'm guessing they find a way to get all of them into a match for the three hour pre-show.

You underestimate the type of fans who attend Wrestlemania.

There are some notable recent free agents that could be a nice surprise.

I'm thinking Bayley will have the upper hand during the match, but eventually Sasha interferes and gets Bayley DQ'd. Charlotte will want Sasha to be in the match so she can win the belt back, and she has the confidence to know she can beat Sasha at PPV. The Sasha turn can happen during the match.

It's so much better on SDL where AJ, Corbin, Miz, Wyatt/Orton, and Alexa aren't anchored to an authority figure system. They can all have their own interactions with a face or neutral authority and have so much more color to their characters.

It's becoming the consensus that Braun's segments are good and one of the highlights of the show. Both he and WWE deserve credit for taking something that looked like the next Erick Rowan and turning it into essential viewing. I loved the match against Big Show last week.

Hear me out…