Dick Cavett Poo Party

And the Hardys would finally make that tag division seem important, and it would give New Day some life too. There's obviously room in the three hours to let them do some vignettes still.

The problem is that if you're a heel that doesn't cooperate with The Authority, you look like a face to the audience.

I'm feeling like there's a win via count-out coming at Fastlane. Roman finally pinning Strowman probably shouldn't happen until Summerslam or later, after Vince puts the belt on him again.

The booking was good. Sending two people all over the arena is a good way to hide a lack of wrestling ability. They did it all the time in the attitude era.

She should definitely make her entrance with a glass of white wine.

Bottom 5 episode for me. So disjointed, not funny.

Why would Lesnar rather have a non-title match against Goldberg than a match against Goldberg as champ? It would be mind-numbingly dumb to have Lesnar interfere at Fastlane.

He didn't need to win there, and there was no story told in the lead to the match about tying the record. I think this was a total waste of a title reign. It's not like they are running out of time to get Cena two more. This was just silly in retrospect to have him hold the belt for two weeks here and it cheapens the

I would feel better about the Bray win if at any point since his debut they portrayed his character as someone who gives a shit about wins and losses and championships.

I don't see how being a good employee for a length of time makes someone championship material in spite of being an average promo and average worker and an average amount of overness.

I didn't like much of this show at all. Didn't think I saw the best out of any of the women, and I just can't get behind Naomi as champ. Just feels like too much of a public relations and Total Divas storyline rather than a wrestling story. I don't love her ringwork much either, with her kicks often looking like she

Tis no quijibo.

Someone will do a thing on Maura Murray and it will captivate the nation on at least a Making a Murderer level.

The cross promotion for this Sing movie is some of the most intolerable I can recall, and that's saying something given WWE's history with sponsors.

Let's hope the lads choose something they're interested in for next year's cycle. Some of this WCW stuff was so ill-conceived it's hard to coherently make fun of, and it feels like V1 and Mr. OOC have been phoning it in. If they don't want to do it anymore I'd take more eps with Maffew.

Charlotte is the most complex character I think I've ever seen on WWE TV.

Kind of astonishing that a three hour show has zero room for a singles midcard. You'd think that format would allow freedom for more than KO, Jericho, Reigns, Rollins, Rusev, and Enzo & Cass to get a story in a given week. I wouldn't treat Henry's return as anything but a hometown pop. Maybe Big Show and Braun can

Try paying attention to Corbin during big matches and Talking Smack. The guy gets it. He lives that character and is so refreshing because he's not a cool heel. He's a rather good worker for how long he's been around. I think it's telling that you might want to get a selfie with KO, or Jericho, or AJ, but you'd stay

It might not be a bad time to put Dolph in the tag division. He'd make that division feel legit with Bray and RKO in the ring at the same time. Maybe a way to elevate Crews? But they have to find time for the Alphas on the PPVs sometime. They are too good for that preshow nonsense.

Not worried about Becky. She's not TJ Perkins here. Maybe she didn't hit suplexes because she was trying to hit table spots to win the match instead. And anyway, someone on the heel side needs to be built up. Natalya's character is a mess, and Carmella is too green and just gets much less heat than Alexa does. She's