Dick Cavett Poo Party

RIP AV Club WWE coverage.

I subscribe to PWTorch and feel it is well worth the $10 for the amount of audio content you get there each day. I don't use it for discussion, but you can call in to the shows or email Wade and participate that way. There's definitely a lot of analysis of storytelling rather than just talking about workrate and match

He literally does. He's been skydiving a time or two.

Solid show, but I really wanted to know what happened to the Fashion Police. I get that they have to be off TV selling, but a teaser promo from the eventual bads would have kept the momentum of the story up.

Put it on a B-PPV. There is not going to be room for something like that if this is not going to be another 7 hour show.

I think Rusev is off TV so his return to interfere in the Cena/Nakamura match is more surprising. I think Corbin can't be ruled out from that either. Or maybe it will be both and they'll change it to a tag match, playa.

I heard a theory that it's because Cena is so over in India and it's going to be booked as a face vs. face feud there.

Bring in Kane and do the Hell No storyline with Gable. No one would mind.

From our long historical rivals India and Bulgaria, no less!

You can throw the rest of the album, and most of ELPs discography in the trash, but Tarkus is an unrelentingly awesome song, regardless of how stupid the non instrumental elements of it are.

Possibly! It's out there at many places. I really liked the white pizza w/ clams at Piece.

A real Chicago treat is choosing Italian beef and giardiniera as pizza toppings. It works wonderfully.

Doubtful. There aren't gyro carts in Chicago, and a Greek food cart probably wouldn't be that likely to have an Italian condiment not ever associated with gyros.

I have enjoyed soggy gravy bread as an alternative side to fries, and it's usually very cheap because they just have to drop a roll in the juice for 10 seconds.

Think of it more like a French Dip, but some like the bread thoroughly soaked and treat it like a fork & knife meal. (Me.)

There are probably literally 100 hot dog stands that serve the same-ish food as Wiener's Circle. Very many are good.

I'd say the sport peppers are optional. At most places you'd say "Everything, hot peppers." unless you are at Byron's and they bizarrely put lettuce and cucumber on there too.

Ketchup is bad food for children. Go out and pick up some baby food. You'd probably like that too.

Wade Keller and/or some of the PWTorch guys had the right take on it. It's a huge power play by WWE to ask Cornette to do this. He can say no and leave RnR Express hanging, or say yes and make him admit that he's willing to take a paycheck from WWE.