Dick Cavett Poo Party

Sasha/Becky was a pretty botchy match, even if it delivered on a story level and had great spots. There was a fair amount of sloppiness there, that I didn't see here outside of that one questionable top turnbuckle spot.

I'm still waiting for a good Paige match. Her stuff with AJ and Nikki has been serviceable at best.

Dana Brooke's character work is 10/10 though. There's something there and it's worth developing her.

Nothing should angle to be Wrestlemania 2.

A lot of good wrestling on this show, but a marky crowd. Ambrose/Big Show was actually pretty good for subverting expectations. Solid women's matches with time to work them. A fun Rusev segment. He's getting over heel comedy on a Miz level right now. I just don't know why anyone is cheering Lana at this point. She's

This is smart, and you could have Bryan or (struggles to remember other top babyfaces) tap out and shift the perception, but I just don't see it happening with Cena.

I don't know what it was, but I really disliked this episode. The villainy was too one-sided and the virus was predictable. Big letdown after last week.

It's a very obscure Mr. Show reference.

You are on to something. He can kill the enemy. But then what?

Grade A all the way. Excellent episode. Moving, tragic, surprising. This season is so, so good. The writers have the urgency of a crew with a canceled show, and are taking big risks that are working. I can't wait to see what happens next.

Go troll somewhere else.

It was sort of Mad Men adjace to some of the scheming used against Chaough or the big firms.

Abortions for all! It's her choice. She should probably tell him, but it's her choice.

You definitely can watch it on either Univision or Telemundo, but it won't have English commentary.

Though the stuff with Albert had some pretty homoerotic overtones.

Keith Olbermann makes better use of "Bye Felicia".

This looks more fun than A Deadly Adoption, but it's too bad it's not as trashy fun as the promos made it seem.

It's like they actually had writers for this week's show. Apologies were a key plot point for multiple characters. They progressed the storylines. Best Raw in a while.

I had to remind myself a couple times that the trashy boyfriend wasn't actually him.

I would say post-2010 or so, these things tend to move rather quickly. They are awesome DVR views, because the commercials tend to be blocked 4-5 minutes at a time, so when you can crank them out in right around 90 minutes, that feels brisk.