Dick Cavett Poo Party

Lowndes is the only one who seems to have interpreted the script correctly enough to know what movie she's in. She nails the Lifetime campy/hammy/serious balance. Wiig is 100% serious the whole movie. Ferrell misses the mark outside the flashbacks.

Nah, most actual Lifetime movies are more campy and pulpy than this, and thus more fun. Go watch She's Too Young.

The problem isn't so much that Ferrell is bad at comedy as it is that he decides to play the dialogue 95% straight.

Yeah, Black Dynamite is packed with jokes and the actors and director are hamming up the movie. Many of the jokes aren't even about blaxploitation.

But many, many actual Lifetime movies are way sillier. It's not like it would have killed the brand to air a straight up parody.

It doesn't work because movies like She's Too Young or The Choking Game are even more trope-ier and funnier. This one had a super ponderous first hour, in which every line not related to book tours or diabetes was being played way too earnestly.

Reading through the comments, these are funny lines. They just only played on the page.

Also another dig at the persistent fetishizing of Steve Jobs working in a garage.

Bob Benson!

Since no one else will, I'll back China, IL. The show doesn't always click, but the best
episodes are completely worth it. Watch this first. https://www.youtube.com/wat…

NXT fans definitely need to acknowledge that the roster can't support 5 hours of TV a week. One hour is easy. Five is not.

I thought that comedians had figured out by now that anything involving air travel, chauffeurs, or rental cars is hacky as fuck.

This was not one of the better Takeovers. For as much as the women's match got right, it was pretty botchy and it was hard to tell if a lot of the spots went as planned. The main event was pretty predictable in how it went down. And the rest of the matches were pretty fillery.

This band has an incredibly dumb name.

That Coke ad is some trite bullshit. That played well at the time? Do people who were there then still like it?

It was predicted in at least two other places beforehand.

He was asked to be farther alright.

Hated this choice. Couldn't find an actor who hadn't been in a comedy about group therapy? Totally took me out of the moment.

I'm not generally a CW or genre tv watcher, but this show has really hooked me. I came for Rose McIver and Aly Michalka, and stayed for everything else.

The "I'm Sorry" sketch is probably the worst thing I've ever seen on this show.