
This is great news.

Still waiting for that Full Throttle sequel…

Dregs of Humanity, anyone?

What A.V. Club trope aggravates you the most?

Pedestrian friendly? Not exactly. Bands with vans, people with cars not knowing which streets are one-way, the kind of stuff mentioned above. No. Also, like someone said below, it makes day to day life very difficult, especially if you work anywhere near downtown.

I'll admit it: I LOVE bigfoot movies.

I tell anyone who wishes to visit Austin to NEVER come during SXSW. The city is far more dangerous and basically morphs into something completely different than what it would be under normal circumstances.

Anyone else find the visual of NDT sitting in front of the burning sun eerily (and copyright infringemently) similar to that of the Illusive Man from Mass Effect?

I think so.

It's subtle, and I may just be reading into it.

I noticed some really bad ADR in this episode. Is this normal for the Simpsons now? I haven't watched in a while.

I found the NFL Play 60 promo really cringe-worthy. But then again, I can't stand the sight of Jim Irsay or the NFL's hamfisted attempts at public relations. (side note: I love sports, especially football)

Saul as George Smiley (Alex Guinness, of course)! YES!!!!

I believe the spork was referred to as a "fpoon."

How did the entire fourth season of Community not get included? It didn't happen. Right? RIGHT!?!?

The first four tracks on this album are all incredible.

I love Bill's Fourth Doctor costume. He's got the height for it.

No love for the Steven Seagal marathon on AMC?

It is physically impossible to live "in the moment." By the time our brain processes the current moment, it has already passed; thus, we are forever left to live several milliseconds in the past. But it's not so bad, 'cause Radiolab made it sound really cool!

As a former Austinite, I can vouch for the incredible food experience that is Torchy's Tacos. If you are EVER in Austin, go there first.  Then hit TacoDeli for their breakfast tacos, but you must try the Doña sauce,