Ayn Rand McNally

Buffalo, you're a winner hear us now! Hear us now!

The Eastman House is in Rochester NY in case anyone was wondering.

I'm taller than Jesus

I'm taller than Jesus



I think I'd make a great mob husband

I think I'd make a great mob husband

I don't know if I agree he had it coming but I do know I would feel a lot worse about it if the kid didn't have a dirt bike. Never met a kid who had a dirt bike I liked.

I don't know if I agree he had it coming but I do know I would feel a lot worse about it if the kid didn't have a dirt bike. Never met a kid who had a dirt bike I liked.

Snrub is Burns backwards, or is that obvious?

Snrub is Burns backwards, or is that obvious?

Just once I want one of these Mark Wahlberg beating up our ideological enemies comments to be about Mark Walberg, the host of Antiques Roadshow

Just once I want one of these Mark Wahlberg beating up our ideological enemies comments to be about Mark Walberg, the host of Antiques Roadshow

In "Amigos!" the first motivational poster we see says "Never Give Up" it falls and GOB says "Fuck it" and leaves it alone.  And at the end, after Michael is talking to Ann on the phone, and says "I don't like her" the poster in the office says "Keep an Open Mind."

In "Amigos!" the first motivational poster we see says "Never Give Up" it falls and GOB says "Fuck it" and leaves it alone.  And at the end, after Michael is talking to Ann on the phone, and says "I don't like her" the poster in the office says "Keep an Open Mind."


NPR is on Pledge Week, is PBS too?

Too bad, I wanted to try her goat's head soup.

I've got a thing for Daisy from Downton Abbey