Ayn Rand McNally

Harvey Danger, “Flagpole Sitta”

Charlotte Beach Shore!

If I follow these Miller Lite commercials correctly, I can watch Downton Abbey during the Super Bowl, but as long as I drink a Miller Lite, I do retain the rights to my "Man Card" right?

The movie star or the Antiques Roadshow host?

I also found this interview to be one of my favorites. Maybe I'm biased due to the fact I've been going through my own bouts of depression as such for awhile now, if so congrats to the reviewer on being more well adjusted than I am.

Joe Paterno somehow became the first octogenarian millionaire to be the victim of pedophilia.

Remember, Paul Revere warned the British that they weren't going to be taking away our hammers by ringing those bells, probably with hammers of some sort and, um, making sure as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning hammer sounds and bells that, uh, we were going to be secure and we were going to be

S'all good man!

Mine:  List of Helicopter Escapes from Prison

I thought Springfield kinda was Portland?

Peep Show: "Holiday"

Cape Feare is my favorite Simpsons episode as well, the writing is just so dense with jokes and gags.

You guys missed the AMA this weekend of a writer of a television show that the internet seems to love talking about.

And to think, I was getting excited for the return of my Genny Cream Ale and Downton Abbey night.

While I do not watch much Reality TV myself, I do recognize the general positive impact it's contributed to the so called "Golden Age of Television." While yes, Reality TV just pointed the camera and shot without any script, scripted television became much more concentrated in the quality of writing, since the amount

Here's a less glamour-y picture

I agree, there was an unmatched badassedness about her pretension and snobbery (looking down at non-designer cookie cutters for example, and usually had a good reason to back it up.) Plus she was also always awesome of Conan, and vice versa.

I hope this leads to more shows adopting the 6 episode season with all episodes written by the same few people.

Why does it seem that we such a hard time admitting that we like a show like Downton Abbey in this country without prefacing our like for the show with some caveat about acknowledging that we don't usually care for those twats?