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Fun fact: there's no country on Earth that's out of the reach of American nuclear weapons

I'd bet against.
We all know the best thing about the show is the Rachel and Quinn relationship. A good show runner would have recognized that, as compelling as the reality show setting was in S1, it didn't make sense for Rachel and Quinn to stick around in S2; we should have followed them as they tried to do something

I've definitely always felt that pretentiousness was his biggest
weakness as a filmmaker. If he can drop that, then yeah, I'd watch his
stuff. Sixth Sense and
Unbreakable would be fantastic TV pilots if they
were a lot more fun and didn't drag so much.

So, seriously, someone's Damage Control pitch got rejected and they took it across the street, right?

(tearfully) "No puppet. You're the puppet."

hey, ho, whoa, hold on there youngster, let's not say anything ignorant

How many years before he gets the good ones?

give my regards to Jimmy James

Nah, man, you gotta name your palatial estate. That's SOP. Look at Manderley, or Xanadu, or Collinwood. This is like the main reason to be mega wealthy

Mine will be the "I Deserve This"

One of the many problems with the very rich is that they don't spend a good portion of their lives fantasizing about what they'll name their pleasure palace, and so they wind up with crappy names. This is also true of yachts

Bah, you could put Iron Man in there and it would make just as much sense (but be a great deal more expensive). It's pretty easy to see how anyone wearing sophisticated technology could be stymied by a guy who gets tiny.

hah, I totally forget he was trying to do some kind of tv thing

Good luck fighting the AFI over Some Like It Hot, Mel. That list may as well be the 100 Greatest Comedies Featuring Cross-Dressing. There's no other explanation for Mrs. Doubtfire

I think that movie had plenty of foils…Colossus felt like a nag to me, though. It's hard for me to remember anything Negasonic contributed.

This inventory is relevant to my interests. Thank you, AVClub

That seems to be the consensus in these comments, which mystifies me, because I thought she and Colossus were by far the worst thing about the movie. Setting aside the terrible Colossus CGI, it just felt like they were tacked onto the script out of an obligation to tie Deadpool into the X-franchise. Think about it:

I thought he was well into the uncanny valley, and also entirely superfluous

I just want to tack on some other complaints:
* Those X-Men sidekicks that are going to be returning were absolutely worthless. Colossus looked like a dumb cartoon, and Teenage Lame-O was just the worst.
* This is more of a comics-nerd complaint: like every post-Joe Kelly Deadpool vehicle, Deadpool swerves hard into the

Note that I was very careful to describe Sixth Sense as an early hit, not his first film. And I already explained that the similarities are in cultural impact rather than financing.
Personally I think M. Night's later films make Sixth Sense look worse. For example, in light of all his subsequent director cameos, the