agreed. Also, @lukestanek:disqus makes a good point about the (thus far) high quality hair/make-up department showing a noticeable drop-off with Tony. I hope they improve the styling a bit if he comes back.
agreed. Also, @lukestanek:disqus makes a good point about the (thus far) high quality hair/make-up department showing a noticeable drop-off with Tony. I hope they improve the styling a bit if he comes back.
Good point… there weren't many catch up moments for views who haven't ever seen the first season (as someone else commented on this thread, why would you click on this episode when the whole first season is available just a few inches above?), or for people who shotgunned it last year and haven't thought of it since. …
I took that as him raiding her stash, but yeah.
I agree with the reviewer, I'm not sure the Tony character's problem was Maslany's acting ability. He seemed like an (intentional or not) mystery, like Paul. Both actors could be great (we have evidence that Maslany is, for certain), but the characters are just blank slates to the audience at this point. We don't…
I was coming here to post the same thing…. it was so distracting to me (and I don't usually notice stuff like that) that I figured the commentariate would be all over it.
I thought Alex was going to say "but I thought you said you couldn't lie? I had to tell the truth, I told you we had to be a united front". The way it looked like Piper changed her mind about lying on the stand and no scenes with her talking to Alex again, I thought that's how Alex was going to play it (perhaps…
I'm glad you said that, I felt like something was off on the monologue scene. Not sure if it was the acting (which I otherwise have no problems with) or the editing/directing, but something felt very artificial about it to me. I thought there would be a comic moment or something after she gave her speech. I'm glad…
I'm surprised no one else has brought this up yet, but did it look to anyone else like Adore and Bianca were wearing the same dress with differently styled straps? It was very strange, I kept waiting for someone on the show to mention it.
Someone brought this up a few weeks back, but being a drag queen and being a contestant on RuPaul's Drag Race are two different things, and I think Courtney is very good at the first one and not quite as good at the second. She still made it to the top three and I think in season 1 or 2 of RPDR, she might have even…
I remember thinking that was weird. She's (rightly) super-paranoid about protecting her daughter, who the shadow corporation really seems to want it's hands on. So you leave her with some dude you haven't talked to in (6? 7?) years while you do recon work? I know she told him he's her father, but still.
Yep, I thought it was clear while Helena was knocking her out that she wasn't trying to kill her, just put her to sleep. I could swear she said something along the lines of "time to go sleep now. But first, do you know where I can find some jello?" (in heavy Ukrainian accent).
Thanks for posting that, I didn't see that scene in my previews package after the episode and was a bit confused.
You know how this could be resolved? By bringing back the community grades. I'm starting to feel like maybe that line "they're coming back sometime in the future" was a damn dirty lie. (sigh)
See, I take the "producer manipulation" stuff as more of a parody of other reality shows. When I first watched RPDR, I read a review that pointed out all the sly reality show tropes that it was lambasting and I think that's colored my viewing of it since then. The editing and manipulation are ridiculous (usually in…
Yes! I was going to say earlier that Michelle seemed to have it out for Ben since the beginning of the show, which is weird because they look EXACTLY THE SAME (especially in Ben's first episode). If you can't love yourself, Visage, how in the hell are you going to love somebody else?
I think I take a different view of this show than some other people do. It's obvious to me that RuPaul has a different criteria for what makes someone America's next Drag Superstar than I do. And she has more bonafides in this area than I do, so I'm going to concede to her on this. But when Tyra won her season, I…
Well, not Ben anymore probably, unless we get a "returning champion" this season.
I think the fact that she brought it up in such a high-stress time (end of a long challenge, end of the competition, right after Ru asked who should go home), and insinuated that Bianca was consistently doing well, but not growing or changing up her look after Dela just heard criticism for showing the judges the same…
I agree. We haven't seen Bianca really deal with much criticism on the show. Maybe she'll be gracious and humble, but maybe not. I can see, though, how tensions were high at that moment (tell us who you want to go home. Think about what you're going to say while listening to the other queens pick someone). Bianca…
This is actually a really smart point. I sometimes forget that being a drag queen and being a RPDR contestant aren't exactly the same thing and it's possible to be really good at one of those things while being bad at the other one.