
I've found it's really good for watching on demand on Saturday or Sunday afternoon while you're doing laundry and other chores. Unfortunately for Bill and the show, the quality of each episode has a lot to do with the guests and their chemistry with each other, so it's very hit or miss.

So long as there are no garbage disposals around, I'm "Pro-Scarf" for Josh Charles. In fact, I'm considering becoming "Mandatory Scarf" for Josh Charles

I thought Diane was just representing her client in the best (possibly shady, but best chance of success) way possible. That meant tearing down Alicia's credibility as a witness. Not as a lawyer, but as a witness in this particular case. Not the actions you'd want your best friend to take, but not the worst thing

I noticed that too! The second one seemed to be gin, but I thought the first one was vodka shaped. Makes sense: drink the vodka first then the gin only as a last resort.

I can't put my finger on why, but I find every aspect of this story to be extremely cool. Even the bologna.

She connected the dots in terms of remembering that it was that weekend and pulling police records so that Stan could check with the police that were in the area to see if they noticed anything unusual. I don't think he would have gotten there on his own.

I thought he was going to break in and steal the $600 back. Glad he didn't, I can see that being the thing that lead to the FBI being on their tail.

I thought for sure that Phillip had an ace in his pocket he was going to pull out during his late night confrontation with the pastor. Something about money laundering or donations funneled to a drug ring, or something equally shady.

Milk seemed like a genuinely nice person, with very little drama. Excellent qualities in a friend or college roommate: not so great in a reality show competition.

I noticed while she was Cosima, though, that her lip was magically healed, then busted again after she switched back. That's some good make-up.

I'm late to this party, but… yeah! Angie's basically been lied to since Beth's suicide. I might be a little surly too. I agree that Angie's kinda bitchy so far, but she has reason to be. Sarah would have been bitchy too if someone was lying and trying to keep her from finding out what's been going on. I'm hoping we

Fair enough. I thought it was trying too hard to equate the parents' feelings that they weren't good people because of what they'd done. But, if it felt natural to you, then maybe I've got some kind of unrecognized bias. It felt too neat and tidy to me for the kid to be feeling exactly what his parents were, and to

I think he specifically talked about it a few episodes ago when he was trying to convince his dad to buy it by saying it makes you smarter: "Intellivision… it makes you more intelligent" or something like that.

I thought it was the writing more than the actor. What kind of kid (how old is Henry? 9? 10?) would tell his parents over and over that he's a good person? It was awkward.

I don't remember, but Wikipedia tells me that Juju LSFYL'd 3 times in her season and skated through each one, but was then eliminated out of the final without having to lip synch. Of course, she then became an all-star where she lip synch'd, but I think no one else but Coco did it more than 3 times in the same season.

No. Alyssa and Coco were both LSFYL'ing their 3rd time against each other. Since only one could lose, Alyssa went home and Coco lost the next week in her 4th LSFYL. At least according to wikipedia's handy grid:

Yes! Give it a chance, anyone who is thinking about listening to it. I like Michelle much more just shooting the breeze with Ru than her judge persona (which is probably edited down to the "zingers").

I am not familiar with Georgia , and was surprised at how much Georgia's voice sounds like Cher's (or I guess, how much Cher's sounds like Georgia's).

I'm listening to it now too.. I'd say give it a chance. She's not annoying me at all. I can see what you're saying about her judge persona (and Santino's too), but she's different on the podcast (at least so far).

Really smart point. You're right that someone may not be naturally gifted at interviewing and it's a skill that has to be learned, but the judges picked the worst prepared interviewers for the bottom.