
Night of the Comet was that movie for us. If we didn't find anything we wanted to see, Night of the Comet was the fallback choice. We probably rented that movie enough times to have bought it 10 times over.

The dialogue on this show is really mannered and awkward anyway, so it wasn't as noticeable as it could have been, but I agree. I think I'll phone the writers and let them know.

Cary asking Alicia if she'd heard from Kalinda broke my heart. I noticed Alicia didn't mention the note that Kalida left. I wonder if we'll hear about it in the finale.

"I don't go out the way I came in?"

Plus Jonathan Banks, please.

I want to upvote this, but I just can't do it.

Another vote for "The Morning After the Night Before"

I think Amy needs a real love interest other than Sheldon. I get that he's the lead of the show, but if she met a quirky guy who really liked her, how would Sheldon compare? I'd be OK if the writers figured out a way for Amy to eventually choose Sheldon, but I don't think his attitude and social ineptitude can

Yep, he'd have been on solid ground if he hadn't mentioned it and she found the application while checking her email on his computer or something. I bought a lottery ticket last night, but I don't bring it up in conversations with my boss, "well, I'm planning on finishing that report by next Friday, but if I win the

Good point, they do that often at my local pet store.

I watch this show fairly regularly (I know.. I'm properly ashamed) and I had no idea that Emily had the kind of hyper-morbid sense of humor that she displayed here. It seemed over the top to suddenly have every other word out of her mouth be something about disposing of bodies. It just highlights how little we know

Couldn't agree more. She asked him to call her Kimmy in an earlier episode (I think the quote was something like "My friends call me Kimmy"). The writers know it makes it extra creepy: especially since Phillip's daughter Paige seems so much more mature than Kimmy does. They're using every trick to highlight how

I'm glad you said this. I thought the review seemed to be apologizing for the "slow" parts of the episode and I never felt that: I was transfixed throughout. Things are winding up and I can't look away.

I assumed he was still a little high from having smoked with Kimmy and it was an accumulation affect.

I thought the same thing… she looked like such a tiny, little teenaged girl and I felt Phillip's dread at how he'd ever be able to get out of there without doing something repellent or dumping the mission. The woman assisting him, though, of course had to walk by and sneak out right after she dropped the towel and

We need a prequel to Better Call Saul!

When Jimmy looked at the doctor and said "he hurts", it sounded so sad to me. Like he knew he was (at least partially) responsible for the pain and wanted her to acknowledge it and help Chuck.

ehh… I'm not sure I agree.. I think kids would probably want to poop in there to get it to talk to them. Especially the first few times. Another commenter pointed out above that the real issue would be keeping them from throwing blocks in the toilet to get it to talk.

When someone asked Max where she was from and she said "Wisconsin" I almost fell out of my chair. She just needs to tone it down by 50% and I'll love her.

Agree about the two hour premiere. Especially the first episode where there are so many queens to introduce.