
Yeah, Trinity has already lip synched too many times to have survived one more. I think the lip synch rule of three is mostly just because Ru gets tired of seeing the same queens performing. You gotta turn it out every time and do something different if you're going to LS that many times and expect to stay.

I hate it too, but I'm heartened that Trinity got kicked off because her interview was so much worse (I'd argue that it was much worse than Joselyn's one faux pas in an overall average-ish interview), even though her runway look was much, much better than Adore's and Joselyn's. I hope they consider the polished-ness

Yep, Trinity's redemption last week was setting her up for elimination this week. I'm kind of glad for her: classy queen with lots of talent but who got kicked out earlier than fans would've liked is a much better place to be than it looked like she was headed a few weeks ago when the judges could only talk about her

I said this last week, but I'll say it again: I didn't find the Untucked session last week to be terribly mean to Laganja. The basic premise was that the other girls didn't like her fake character voice and mannerisms and liked her regular speaking voice better. Just because she FLIPPED THE FUCK OUT doesn't mean she

Thank you! I knew I recognized him, but couldn't place him and didn't care enough to look it up. But now it won't drive me crazy next week.

I didn't feel too badly for her, because the gist of what the girls were saying was "your affected voice is annoying. We like your normal voice and mannerisms better." They really weren't overly bitchy about it (I mean overly bitchy for drag queens).

The worst part was that it was such a clearly rehearsed dud. I mean, off-the-cuff duds are going to come when you spend a lot of time being impromptu. But that was so obviously practiced that it makes me sad. She practiced getting thrown off the show, and that's what she chose to say.

Yep, which I'm sure means she's going home in the next week or two, just as we're all pulling for her. That RuPaul: she plays dirty.

Daylight savings time is evil.. I'll happily blame it for futzing around with my RuPaul's Drag Race scheduling, but I'm not sure that's really the reason.

I would watch the shit out of Latrice Royale's Declarations of MF Independence.

Great point… you don't have to be the best at every single challenge, just show the judges that you're up for anything and are a good sport and modify what you do well to fit the challenge as best you can.

Agree, I like Trinity despite not thinking she's a very strong competitor. But girl turns it out on the Lip Synchs. She's had two now already, though. I think by RuPaul's Drag Race rules and regulations that means she's out after the next one.

Rick based his freak out on the fact that he recognized the stuff from Glenn's group: the pocket watch, riot gear and poncho. That was the whole reason they freaked out and got all shooty.

Yeah, why would you put all your prisoners who know and trust each other together? I'll never be a criminal mastermind, but that doesn't seem like the right play to me.

oh, fuck. that's totally what's gonna happen. Good call @kitjackson1967:disqus. I think the plot line is lame, but your prescience is admirable.

She was trying to throw them off the scent.

I was thinking that something like that (the surfing) will be integrated into the new school's curriculum. Holy shit, I spelled curriculum right.

I thought it was "Lotion for the ocean" too, but motion makes more sense. Gross either way.

I was expecting the reveal that he spoke to Polly… the crazy guy's gruff sounding wife.

Hey! chicks can pee in a canteen too! I mean… it wouldn't be easy, but if properly motivated, I could get at least a few drops in there.