
Agreed. Both of those characters (at least as they're currently written and played) are best in small doses. I like the kooky quirkiness of both but expect that it would grate week to week. If they hire MJ Fox for an extended run (as it looks like they are), I hope I'm proved wrong.

I didn't see it coming at all. Was totally shocked. I didn't even know to expect something big, so when the court room aftermath was shown, I figured the other lawyer was dead and Will would be the one trying to stop the bleeding. I'm surprised they didn't show a bunch of "expect something HUGE on The Good Wife"

Eli is ruthless, but he's always been a ruthless human being. He showed some of that early on when questions about Alicia's and Peter's kids came up.

that's much better than the one they showed, thanks for posting.

Excellent, I'm ahead of the curve, then.

The secret service should have known about it at the very least. If the VP is going to hang out at a restaurant, you'd do a background check on the guy who owns it.

The costumes did it for me. By the second day the 3s had a tendency to dress in neutral colors, and by day eight there were full uniforms. I can't imagine any other sitcom on TV right now doing something like that. Not to say that there aren't any, but I'm drawing a blank.

I'm not familiar with those references (far too young, you see….). Did the make-up comport with that aesthetic? I was getting a Hunger Games vibe from it, but it could just be that Hunger Games ripped it off from somewhere else.

That's one of the things that really set RPDR apart: sound effects. I'm not being snotty, I really think they're awesome.

I didn't get it either until just now. I'm down with the corny, super-stupid jokes and I like jokes that take 5 minutes to sink in, then you're giggling or rolling your eyes at the person well after the fact. But I can see how you might have found it annoying. It's one of those things you either like or you don't

There's no way to not like this comment. Try it! You can't do it, can you?

I liked what she was wearing before she bought it better. It was bad, but not as bad as some of her other wardrobe selections in previous episodes. Agree that Hannah has the most awkward wardrobe of most TV characters I can think of.

I like this change, it allows me to go on thinking that everyone loves me and that everything I say is valuable.

just clicking "like" wasn't enough. Well done @poguemahoney:disqus

I also wondered if it's called skeleton because that's what it primarily produces.

Skipping TV to go out into the world and do something? You're on the wrong website, my friend…

I saw the stats for AV Club readership posted in another thread, and we tend to be more urban than most of the country. So, housing costs for us may seem disproportionately higher than they are for the country in general. But I still agree with your point generally.

I can't tell who you're mad at, but you are clearly VERY ANGRY, so I'll just say this: My point was that knowing who the Nobel Peace Prize is named after doesn't do much to help your understanding of why it's an important award. The guy invented dynamite, you say? fantastic. But if I had never heard of the Nobel

He's the guy a fancy cooking award is named after. Who is Mr. Nobel? Dunno… but I know he's the guy some fancy peace and science awards are named after.

I don't support downvoting in general (tell the person why you think they suck! it's the internet, after all), but I think you've nailed the reason people were tempted to give Dr. Snooty Pants the virtual thumbs down.