
Yes, 'cause running up the score on a winless team is super-impressive.

Well, and do we know if Dratch can sing? I'm sure that part of it came about after they chose Krakowski, but it seems to add something to the show.

Cupcakes are awesome, sure. But there's a small percentage of people who act like they're the second coming of zombie Jesus or something, and their ridiculous over-enthusiasm might kind of make other, more rational people not want to exclaim their love for cupcakes for fear of being confused with one of the doofuses.

Somehow I doubt that Hulk was being sincere.

Zero for me as well - though in late-night channel surfing I've been threatened with a lot of these movies. I've seen some bad movies (Matrix 2 and 3 come instantly to mind among many others) but none on this list.

I know some trolls will pop out t o flame me, but we'd also need to include David Simon and Ed Burns. Of course the Wire was great, and I'm now catching up on Generation Kill, which is also pretty great. We finally turn to Breaking Bad and Mad Men next, too - embarassment of riches indeed.

"Besides, if it truly is a suicide mission, Lee Adama and half the ruling class will be dead anyway, leaving Baltar and his harem to run the remnants of the whole damn fleet."

The key is who will be most interested in the movie in question, and not who is the star or what is the story about. So what if there's a female lead - that doesn't automatically mean chick flick. The Alien movies are a great example Mcfly. And that they might empower women *still* doesn't mean it's a chick flick.

Isn't a chick flick a movie that is / seems to be overwhelmingly geared toward female audiences, no matter what the subject matter? Doesn't mean that guys can't like them, but it does mean that most guys are neutral on it at best. Eternal Sunshine doesn't fit in that group, and I think that McFly already figured

Never seen Blast from the Past, but I didn't think Joe vs. the Volcano was a chick flick.

Seriously. Attractive women all around!

Wow, Sugar, you're even more famous than I thought!

Thanks ba. I harbor the sneaking suspicion that most folks who hate on 10 Things haven't actually seen it, and that's not even my usual go-to rationalization of choice!

Sense and Sensibility was one of my favorite movies for a while there, and I still really love it, but probably won't watch it any time soon - seen it too many times by this point.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure "Super-Size Me" didn't bankrupt McDonald's either.

I know that when I'm at work, we don't talk about The Liberal Fallacy a lot. And I'm pretty much set with that.

I'm amazed that there are three bars that would have the correct response to that song, even though those responses are each a bit different. One of them, though, is the retarded cousin of the others (looking at you, college).

I thought the crime dog was named McGruff. With a "u".

Sugar, if you're still reading, I responded to your earlier "boogered it up" post, so maybe that will have some help for you.

Ah, she'll come up with some other reason soon enough.