

Emperor Jim, I was at that Cardinals / Panthers game and let me tell you, it sucked. Though not for you, I'm guessing.

Shit, I thought it was a Bee Gees reference.

You've got a Penis Mightier, Trebek?! You're sitting on a gold mine!!

It did that to me for a while too - keep at it, it'll sort itself out. At least it did for me.

I think you have to go back into your account and it'll be there on the righthand side of the page, after you click "edit account".

That happened to me a number of times when I first pulled up the AV Club this morning - it went away, so keep trying a few times.

I can raise one eyebrow (right), or both at the same time, but not the other (left) by itself. Might be genetic what someone can and can't do. . .

Seems like they'll be much more easily ignored now that you can choose which order to view the comments in.

Way way up in the very top righthand corner. Probably says login" or "need an account?" or something.

Whoa, double-post as your first clean slate action. . .