Dr. FancyPANTS

I came here to answer the question: "what other roles?" But, I don't watch television…

I came here to answer the question: "what other roles?" But, I don't watch television…

I think that I enjoy films from books that don't stray to far from the material and characterization, but use the opportunity given in a visual medium for wide shots and exposition. It helps me when I'm reading the books again, and brings me more into the world that the book has created. LOTR:FOTR was great for this,

Yes. Yes it can.

I'm just wondering how the impact of the psychological damage it causes them will be understood without witnessing the violence ourselves. I would rather see Cronenberg violence. If you don't romanticize it, it has more impact and isn't pandering…But how do you accomplish that with a PG-13 rating?

adapting books to film is definitely an art form that many fail at.

I grew up
having a father that would hit me it the stomach if I told him anything about a movie we were going to see, and I think I benefited from it. I'm like that now. I don't have television, so I don't see trailers, and I don't really talk about movies with people before I've seen them. It's more fun to not know

a fucking video streaming program that works, or just get back to the audio like it was when it was good.

I would have recommended anything with that asshole Kricheck (or however you spell that guys name).

nope, its definitely part of your real nightmare.

I hate that I was waiting for my sign's song to come up. What a disappointment.

Casey Affleck is the runt of the litter. A talented little runt though.

ahhhh, diplomacy. You gotta know when to stick the sword in.

Maybe they should focus on some that have talent.

yeah, the real tragedy is her birdlike running skills.

Isn't there a movie about finding big bird?

wait, how many times have you taken yourself apart and put back together? I think you're malfunctioning.

Well I
never got in to this band, probably the same way I didn't make it to listening to pearl jam until the mid-2000's. I guess there's no better time to feel it out than now.


yeah, agreed. why take anything seriously…it's just not as interesting. But, please, hit me with the extraneous puns galore; that's what these stupid updates are for.