Hey! some of us are just saving ourselves!
Hey! some of us are just saving ourselves!
corsair wins.
starz hits a nerve once again. we feel your angst. or maybe just care enough to tell you your shtick sucks.
Hard Boiled.
No, King Bastard, you are just plain old epic, and you will have to accept that.
I love getting all of my pop culture notions from this one woman.
war=habitat destruction.
X. The Lottery must mimic "The Lottery".
The books are good enough and don't need a film. Herbert paints such an amazing and foreign landscape, that all the movies have done for me is give the characters the faces of famous people. Same with LOTR, which only succeeds in its first film. Now to see the Simarillion on film would be epicly ridiculous.
what of the miniseries? TOO LONG. Like The Stand. No payoff whatsoever.
The villain with the axe was completely unnecessary, but when I was 10 I thought it was awesome. I liked the premise, and I was 10.
yeah, mac and me was a huge steaming pile. you're just reinforcing the train analogy.
"This book gives new meaning to 'seeing the beauty in a horrific train wreck'."
-some person with credibility
Neal Stevenson
I have to say, every book of his that I have read, including the exhaustive Baroque Cycle Triliogy, hooks me well enough that I want to start the book again right after I've finished it. That man can write, and he has a great sense of irony and humor woven into each story.
That Cracked article is genius.
*some person ejaculates "Punch Drunk Love!"*
Just another subculture i normally choose to not give a shit about. But, this is something I would like to see with my own eyes…and yes, TTP Machine, that video should be viral.
and made to watch all of the _____ movie franchise in a row with her eyes forced open.
Yet another movie the film industry sees fit to re-make.