Wilhelm Scream

The little something extra in her shorts caused coffee to shoot out my nose.

Anyone here who has seen none of these should either be immensely proud or ashamed of themselves.

Only 14.
Far fewer than I'd expected, and the vast bulk of those were watched on the TV when there was nothing else on. I'd like to point out that while several of those were from the prodigious oeuvre of our favourite German auteur, absolutely none of them had Larry the Inexplicably-Named Cable Guy in the cast.

Comprende, Starburns?
Motherfucking Starburns. Damn.

The controls are shite, but…
…I battled Shoggoth with a chainsaw while mounted on a triceratops and wearing a fez.

I thought we were beyond the whole "tl;dr" thing here. I'm as interested in an in-depth look at an almost certainly soon-to-be-cancelled Canadian co-production like this one as I am in a long dissection of one of my old favourites like some of the other, bigger shows in tvclubland.

My father-in-law's an ex-cop, and he calls me that all the time.

I like grits. Especially with butter and salt and pepper. Sadly, I am Canadian, so grits are unavailable to me.

Dang, I thought that was he.

I love this movie. A lot.

I'm just sorry that he's GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE! He'll be missed.

What's a Nubian?

My vote's for Fanny Hill.

No, it was pied.

I thought it was cute how cruddy her English accent was. Sort of like McNulty's godawful English accent on The Wire.

Doesn't seem like that bad an idea to me, but then what do I know? I'm a bear. I suck the heads off fish.

Yeah, but you don't see Jenna Fischer in that golden glow on other comedies. Yowza.

This cannot be possible.
There's no way this is true. No. I refuse to believe it.

Wow. I thought I knew my obscure vodkas. Krupnik sounds like my kind of beverage. I like both the name and the thought of Polish honey vodka.

I'm excited as all git-out about Hellboy II on blu-ray. I too expect a happy ending fo my eyes.