
I was very excited for a new Teen Titans show.

I was very excited for a new Teen Titans show.

Wow. They're on a fast track, seeing as they not only had an awkward first meeting, but also a horrible misunderstanding and subsequent fight at the same time.

@avclub-55ab1e0836b46cc575ee502254e68ea9:disqus Sorry, that comment wasn't intended towards you or Rose, but rather  @avclub-4e0ccd2b894f717df5ebc12f4282ee70:disqus 's assertion that Clara 3 is unlikably unintelligent. Personally, I don't mind Rose, but I dislike how they continually try to bring her back.

Looks like somebody hasn't seen Red Dwarf.

I find it funny that you dislike her for not being bright. Though she may not possess raw intelligence, I've found that she has picked up much more quickly on the time travel conceit than most other companions, and in general possesses a sort of savvy that is quite endearing. (if you dislike her for a lack of

Huh. I disagree. The other two Claras were spunkier and flirtier, but their relationships with the Doctor (though I do admit neither had too much time to develop) were much simpler than this Clara.

Lovely episode. The moment where the Doctor is abandoned is superbly crafted- any director can play up a moment with an excess of dramatic flair, but the sudden weight of silence and empty space after high-tension yelling and vortex-ing invoked a greater sense of despair and loneliness than anything else could.

I love the balance of the moment. Though we finally get that scumball out of the way, Dipper forced to face the fact that he's a bit of a scumball himself.

This is by far the best Dipper and Wendy plot since The Time Traveler's Pig, and I applaud the move to end the episode the way it did. Dipper's pining over Wendy has been, by far, my least favorite part of the show when it's handled bluntly, and it's excellent for Dipper to be portrayed as the bad guy for reasons

Let's do this.

It's my birthday, and just a few minutes ago, my friend presented me with two fezzes that she made- one TARDIS, and one Mario hat. Ain't nothing going to bring my mood down today.

I'm young enough, I guess. I'm totally down to read something by Jason Segel. He's a lovely man-child, always got great enthusiasm and energy.

About to watch this one, and I just wanted to communicate how excited the trailer made me for this episode. Not necessarily because it seemed to promise anything good, but because it just felt so much more like an RTD era episode than I've seen in quite some time.

Toilet paper branded with KISS Hello Kitty? That joke's such low-hanging fruit, it's a mile underground.

Oh, and then some!

TRAVEL THREAD! Tomorrow, I leave for Italy to visit my brother studying abroad! It's only my second time ever leaving the country, and if I enjoy it even half as much as I enjoyed my week long trip to Spain, it'll be marvelous! I'm a bit concerned, though. I've been studying Spanish for years, so I was able to

It has been a long time since I've been this combination of amused, terrified, and aroused.

The only practical purpose of this that I can fathom is finding marks so that you can finally steal yourself a piece of that Crag.

Of these books, I've only read Bossypants (though I plan to read more of them, starting with Steve Martin's), but it's a fantastic piece of work. Throughout its pages, I was surprised and more than a little pleased each time a noticed a life experience or personality trait that Tina had worked into Liz Lemon and her