
Oh my god… I had never seen that huge cave system in Click&Drag before.

…what exactly was I expecting to see when I clicked the link to look at those pictures?

Sounds ace. I've been interested in Oblivion since I first saw the trailer, so I'm glad to know that, at the very least, the soundtrack will be excellent. I love myself a good post-apocalypse, but I've been making an effort to keep my expectations low, especially considering the fact that I don't even know exactly why

Crudely sexual clothing inspired by a long-dead musician?

I'm not convinced about the implications until I see data that accounts for two kids in a trench coat.

I have an extended version of the fifteen second trailer music bookmarked. I keep telling myself that I'll stop the next time it ends, but I can never resist the urge to listen to it One More Time.