Dumb fandom fan

According to the subtitles, it was "Bruge Attituge"

I am annoyed by the lack of specificity imposed by English-language words used to describe relationships between family members. We don't know if Zeke is Terry's wife's brother or Terry's sister's husband.

"My hovercraft is full of eels"
"I will not buy this record, it is scratched"
"Do you want to come back to my place — bouncy-bouncy?"
"My nipples explode with delight!"
"Please fondle my buttocks"

I was just kind of hoping we could do a back-and-forth thing, like "Glug", "Glögg"
"Glug", "No, Glögg"
"Glug", "Glögg"
"Glug", "That's it!"


Why's it matter? They's all forinerrs.

I have an iPod with some music on it, but I only keep it for situations when someone asks for music. I'll tap my foot when a pleasing song comes on the radio, but I'd never think to put some music on and listen to it. I have no problem working in silence while I work on the computer, do chores, or play videogames.

"even a bad McConaughey is reliably funny, and with Killam piloting the surfboard, this could have gone on for five more minutes as far as I was concerned."

Myth! The Puritan church not only condoned sex for pleasure between married spouses, it actually required it. Sex was mandatory not only because it produced offspring, but because the Puritans believed that sexually pleasing one's spouse was a religious duty. Why? Because the Puritans believed that they were literally

So Jules is a successful real estate agent, and has been for many years. It is her full time job — not something she does on the weekend to supplement her income. And yet when she gets a commission check she views it as "free money" that she can splurge on crazy shit? Isn't that basically her paycheck?

Yep, "I Never". But I have heard it both ways. I kind of get the fun of having a mini-tongue twister when playing drinking games

Lily has been fantasizing about kissing Robin for the whole run of the show.

So one of them was bitten by a walker and didn't tell anyone ("Oh, maybe I'll be the first person to be immune" — sure, people can be scared. I can buy that). Then that person turned and attacked the people on the bus, and managed to bite every last person on the bus before being killed. Then all of THOSE people just

Jules said "Why don't we go to that new tapas restaurant?"
Chick said "I don't care for health food."


I know why *I* would have her wear the bustier. But taking the time to have my murderous killbot wear it…. ok, ok, I get it.

So why was a sexbot body bulletproof? I'm guessing that since Vaughn had to know she was coming, he modified the sexbot into a super soldier. No idea why he had her wear the bustier though.

Yeah, but I really hate when the writers lie to the audience. Vaughn programmed Danica to escape and come to his lab to get a new body (he needed that as an "in" to the police station). So why was he so shocked to see her? He looked at her in wonder and said "Danica?" like he couldn't believe it. One could argue that

Exactly. How was she bulletproof? I saw nothing that made her capable of being a killing machine.

That showgirl had the most amazing ass.