Skullturf Q. Beavispants

You may hate me, but…
…I sincerely think calling the movie just "College" is actually kind of clever. It doesn't make up for the movie itself being complete suckitude, but in all honesty, I really like the minimalism of the title.

There are black guys in Russia?

Probably simply because people made a version set in Quebec, but nobody made a separate English-language version set in Canada.

Hey, I laughed. But then again, I'm 34.

yes, i'm "that guy"
It's redundant to say "In the years Anno Nirvana". "Anno" already means "year". "Anno Nirvana" doesn't mean "after Nirvana", in case that's what you were going for.

It's true, I saw him dancing on top of a turd in that one video.

Lea Thompson is one of those celebrities that I found really attractive when I was between the ages of 12 and 15, but now I look back and think "What the hell was I thinking?" Back to the Future, Howard the Duck, Casual Sex…

They should call it "round-tine". Am I right?

I didn't make this one up, but somebody once said FOX NEWS stands for "Fount of xenophobia needlessly embellishing war stories."

Hey, Janis had a pretty good voice.

Lexicondevil, is "crucifiction" just a typo, or a clever dis?

I just checked Wikipedia and it seems both Jarvis Cocker and John Cleese are still around. You can all rest easy now.

I would love to see a drawing of that statement if it were interpreted literally.

Are you selling penis mightiers?

John Cleese?

Also, on Conan recently
he remarked that he married a woman 25 years younger than himself (I forget the exact number), which was met my whoops and cheers from the audience.

Supposedly it appears in the scripts as [Annoyed Grunt].

Also, Kim Thayil (sp?) appeared on that show as part of the "heavy-metal community" in the "Lame List" skits. This was before Soundgarden really made it big.

You, ma'am or sir, have the best screen name ever.

He co-wrote four episodes, too.
But you didn't ask him about those. He apparently co-wrote them with his wife, Deb Lacusta. The first such episode was "Days of Wine and D'oh'ses" in Season 11.