
I wonder now that Stefan is true ripper again and completely over Elena, if Katherine will give it another go to hook up with him.  Stefan is buddies with Klaus now, so he probably would give Katherine the boot again.

I think Klaus just wanted to get the hell out of town as fast as possible. Just like he did back in Chicago when Michael turned up and he didn't bring Stephen along with him then.  He has enough of Elena's blood to turn quite a few wolves and by the time he needs more, Michael will have left town too.  At least that

Jeremy does have really great chemistry with Anna and I hope they bring her back somehow.

I agree with "daddy Issues" being the only bad episode in last season. Every other one has been really entertaining. I keep wondering how can they keep this pace, with the originals around, they have so much story to get into. 

It fools me every time too!  When "Elena" sped off with the necklace I should have clued in but it took me until Katherine showed up at Damon's to realize what happened.  Last season when Katherine was in Mystic Falls, I was always looking out for a switch-a-roo, but with her in Chicago, it wasn't even on my radar.

It would have been great if Rebekah did do that, but she probably has her reasons to not. We really don't know much about the family and all their relationships with each other.

That is my theory too. I think Elijah tried to find a way to save Katerina and he helped Elena, possibly due to the resemblance of his mother. 

He killed his whole family, but he didn't destroy their bodies like Elijah originally thought.  From the S2 finale it looked like Klaus is just keeping them all in coffins. Elijah was killed by the dagger, but once taken out he comes back to life.  Not sure how the other originals died, but maybe there were multiple

Elijah should be coming back once they get to the originals storyline.  Hopefully some other siblings will get introduced too.

His "fantastic" was really great.  I actually giggled and repeated it out loud, which is not something I usually do.   Every episode my love for Klaus grows more and more.

My least favorite story line from season two was the werewolf stuff too.  Mainly because of Julie (never liked her acting), but it does play out better watching the episodes back to back. 

I was really bummed out when they killed off Pearl and Anna.  It would have been awesome to have a mother/daughter vamp team.  Also, it would have been neat to see what happened if they ever ran into Katherine. 

Totally agree!  I still got the last two episodes of True Blood on my PVR to watch, but I ain't in no hurry.  That show has been painfully boring for too many seasons.

So happy to have new Vampire Diaries back into my life!  It was yet again a great season premiere.  I spent the last couple of weeks rewatching season 2 and I agree you really do get to see how solid this series is.

Caroline was a cheerleader for at least one episode in season one.  I don't think there has been any mention of it ever since.

I thought it was a great twist that the sun and the moon curse is false and was made up by Klaus himself. I much prefer the actual curse since it makes Klaus that much more scary. Also, really great job with casting Klaus. When I saw the sneak peak pictures of him, I really liked his look and now seeing the

I loved the knife scene at the beginning and the Klaus quote "I searched for you for 500 years. Your death is going to last at least half that." I hope she doesn't die this season, but I also don't see her staying around town if she does make it out alive.

I found this story line to be the most shocking and I'm really excited to see where is goes. Basically Matt and the Sheriff knows everything Carolyn told him and no one knows that they know. She certainly told him the real way Vikki died and probably everything that is going on now with Elena. Carolyn thinks she

This show is very addictive! I believe Klaus is supposed to make his first appearance in the April 21st episode!

Btw, I think it would be cool if Bonnie became friends with their sister. I'm assuming she will come along with Klaus when he shows up and Bonnie needs a permanent witch friend to stay in town.