
When Luka died, I totally blame it on Jonas. He should never have sent his son there in the first place. Also, with all his powers, you think there would have been something he could have done to stop the fire.

Hi, my name is Leigh and I'm addicted to The Vampire Diaries.

Since Elijah and Klaus have a feud going on, we are most likely going to see a pretty awesome fight. I'd be surprised if we didn't see a reunion between the two with both of them "alive".

Originals and dagger
I'm a little confused and I'm not sure if I missed something or they just haven't explained this yet.

Getting a break from the wolves
I loved this episode! It is nice to get back to more vamp story lines now that the wolves have taken a vacation. Anytime we learn more about the past of our vampire characters is great and I am crazy excited to see a lot more of Katherine next week. Btw, I liked how Damon brought

People have referred to Vampire Diaries as VD since it originally aired.

Jules is SOOO BAD at acting. I've seen her on One Tree Hill a few seasons back and she was just as bad. I'm sure she will get killed off, so lets hope it will be soon.

I never think to look at his hand when he is on screen. Is he always wearing gloves?