
I laughed when Jeremy said that too!  I felt he should of clued in a bit earlier, and saying "You're a ghost,"  wasn't necessary for viewers.


I'm all down for more back-story, especially if Katerina can make some appearances too. 

By far my favorite scene was Stefan's accidental decapitation.  The aftermath was so entertaining and a great way to show how rippah Stefan got started.

I also loved the old Damon.  His crazy eyes tend to be way over down at times so it was a nice break from them.  

So this is why Elijah stayed stabbed for so long…he was filming this crap :(

I think we can come to the conclusion that Bonnie will always be boring.

Not sure if you know this, but season two isn't over yet.  There are still 9 episodes left and it starts up again in Canada this Sunday!

This is a show I look forward to every week.  Unfortunately it does have really bad visual effects, but thankfully they are rarely used.  The show is often funny, similar to Buffy and Bo and Kenzi have a great sisterlike relationship that is always entertaining.

I really hope you continue covering Lost Girl.  I'm from Canada so I've seen all the current episodes.  There are some bad episodes, but overall it's a fun show that I look forward to seeing each week.

I'm thinking it will either be the original doppleganger or more likely the mom.  In Bonnies dream Klaus is holding her necklace!

I don't quite remember, but when Klaus and Elena made the deal, did he take the dagger out of her when Elena was still there?  Or did he undagger her at his own place.

When he first got hit by the car I wondered if the ring would work, but when I thought about it, it does make sense to me.  If a ring wearing human can come back to life after getting staked, then a car should be the same.  It's just a bigger weapon.

Was so happy to see the bromance back on!  It looks like Elijah is making an appearance in flashbacks next week, so hopefully this leads to some dagger pulling too!

I would have liked to see more of Pearl too. A Pearl and Katherine reunion would have been great.

I noticed that too.  She looks much better with some volume.

I like that he can see his sister now and where the story is going.  His idea of drowning himself just bugged me.

Carolyn's dad would probably just try to kill Stefan, not help him.

I agree.  Everyone knows that Klaus can be killed, it's just not as easy as the other originals.  He almost died last season.  Elijah had his hand around his heart and was ready to rip it out until he found out his family weren't dead for good.

This was a really great episode.  Once again, a ton of shit went down and most for the better.