
Do a barrel roll.

Wasn't it stated (when Hal was infected) that each worm is specially created and genetically linked to one - and only one - controller?  So how did Lourdes have so many?  What's that?  An incredibly obvious plot hole?  In falling skies?  You don't say.

Jesus Christ the Mason's were disarmed by and in turn disarm the other family about 5 times.  That's too much.  It's just so obnoxious I can't even articulate why I'm so angry about it.  Who writes for this show?

I'd say "stunningly stupid" because I suffer through their ridiculous nonsense every week despite myself.

Who ever gave that like - I DON'T NEED YOUR FUCKING PITY!!!

I tried dry wit, I tried puns and now I tried low-brow - all I want is a like damnit!  The av club is so cruel.

When the remnants of the brain bug leaked out it looked like jizz! LOOOOOOOOOL

What's quite frustrating is it used to be confined to Lourdes almost exclusively.  Sure we hated her for it but at least it was isolated.  Now it seems she's infected everyone else too.  Some Doctor she turned out to be.

Just as Mason said, this episode was like kissing your sister.

Well you'd be wrong…

Of course it's BATED but come on, cut him some slack, mistakes like that are a diamond dozen.

So Podrick finally has some competition

Not really a big fan of well…fan service.

I also thought this was easily the best episode of Defiance yet.  There was actual continuity from the last episode and we felt as though there were consequences for the character's actions - which really is a first.

The humans had lost the war in every conceivable sense.  They were mostly allowed to exist because the fish-heads didn't care.  Now, with the Vohm's help, they're actually becoming noticeable.  So, the Vohm's aid has not only strengthened the humans (rather than weaken them) but it has also strengthened the

I thought to myself, maybe I should play a drinking game while watching this sci-fi tv show alone.  Then I thought, maybe I have a problem.

Same old Falling Skies.  Everything is a mess.  I guess the biggest question for me is, why didn't Mason equip the soldiers used as bait with the new Vohm weapons?  There were two ambushes (both of which were at minimum suspected) but they still went in with completely ineffective guns.  Even though just a single

Hint: It was everything.

So, the nanites. Nanites are part of a ship. Nanites repair Sukar to complete their primary mandate "TO PRESERVE VOTHAN LIFE". And then they went dormant (weren't destroyed or anything) when the ship's course was changed. But Sukar is a Vothan…who is injured…his life hanging by a thread…something the nanites can

They killed mah nigga [MOST OF THE STARK HOUSE], man!  fuck that dawg i don’t play that shit