
I feel like everything is arbitrary and random but, at the same time, predictable (which is so weird).

Yes that is what the characters said but we have no idea what that means.  What is independence?  What would ERep influence/control entail?  Why is this important to the involved parties?  What is special about Defiance in the ERep's eyes?  What are their goals? And so on and so on and so on.

That doesn't make sense.  I feel like everyone is frustrated by the lack of any information about the world so people are filling in the blanks on their own because there is a tonne of assumption about the EReps intentions etc in these comments and we don't know (and can't guess) anything really……

I thought it was super duper dumb.  Notwithstanding that we know absolutely nothing about the judicial system/jurisdiction/prisons in the show, I thought it was completely nonsensical since Amanda was a part of the ERep (and presumably in a high position) and knows their MO and reach which consequently has turned her

Stargate Universe was actually decent until season 3, when it become spectacular (and was summarily cancelled)

That's some cherry picking right there…

I just hope they have enough creative freedom.  You can be Shakespeare and your show would still suck if you had soul-less corporate suits dictating focus group data.  But hey, maybe I'm naive.

This badass gets it.

Wasn't there a fan petition/movement to save Firefly?

I didn't like this episode.

Man, "Reasonable Discussions" is quite accurate.  I probably went slightly over-board with my posts because this is the internet and all but Thomas R seems to have expressed my ideas in a less confrontational manner.  
So, my greatest complaint is that there is this huge, fantastical sci-fi world full of whatever the

I wouldn't consider myself a buff.  But, what was Oddball like?  Fearless, quirky, non-conformist, a soldier, a leader, spiritual (and yes, tall, mumbled and he wore a hat) which are traits the Irathian shares.  I think it's a fair comparison.

Unsurprisingly, I did not enjoy this episode either.  It was dull, ridiculous, slow, inconsistent, inconsequential, anti-climactic and so on.

I don't understand this.  So if something is in a sci-fi setting it's automatically sci-fi even though the show deals with (for example) detective stories?

Because for some reason you peons are going to give this show ratings (it doesn't deserve) while worthwhile and interesting shows get cancelled instead.  It's repulsive.

I get they want to have the whole Wild West vibe where "brothels are a-ok but-in-the-future-with-aliens-but-on-Earth-shazam!" I just don't understand…why?  Why is that a good idea?  What is the point?  Just to show that Nolan's character is a poon-hound?  But nobody cares about that one bit…I'm at a loss, you guys.

It's always a bad sign when your audience finds scenes unintentionally amusing (especially death scenes).

This show isn't even sci-fi.  It's a detective show which happens to have aliens.  And there's the whole feel-good ending too, which sucks!  Oh, some land was stolen, big whoop, you wanna fight about it?!

Get. Out.

Abandoned titty bars sound like the most boring thing ever.  They're just normal rooms without the jiggling girls there.