
yeah, I got to say
Even though I do kind of miss what Amelie Gilette brought to this site and her Project Runway recaps, the recaps you've done this season are easily my favorite of the tv club. Good job, sir.

Nah … he just realized that while it would be fun to fuck a bucket, he would be taking advantage of it. He couldn't have a relationship with a bucket. Plus, the bucket had short hooters

It was the little addendum to the phrase — "we're taking off our pants … for diabetes" with that noble tone that only shows up in charity events — that's what slayed me.

my hunch is most avclubers don't share my specific view as to why Comedy Central is terrible
I was wondering — anyone else just hate how goddamn Spike-TV the channel's become over the past 10 years or so? Like it defines comedy as what 18-39 y/o straight guys think is funny, and so it's like being raped by the word

How do those user grades work anyway? It seems like half the time when I make a vote it doesn't get included. Plus if there's like 100+ people making comments, I would imagine there are many more votes, since it's easier and quicker than writing a comment.

makes me think of
For some reason, this instantly made me think of that Dominos' Pizza Turnaround marketting nonsense from the Hatecast two months or so back … like now he's gonna put herbs in his crust.

Hehe that is a pretty good impression of Office commentary … I'll give you that.

Hehe that is a pretty good impression of Office commentary … I'll give you that.

Hehe I kept thinking the same thing. I would've expected some parade of high-fashion track pants, tennis shorts, and t-shirts with the final being a really elegant football uniform. I'm guessing in the high fashion world that sports wear means "clothes one would wear fox hunting whilst being carried on a paleniquin

whoops — typo. He said "models with thick legs and *bad* teeth"

Oh man, yes, Jay made himself look like a huge asshole. They really played up the reality-show-flavored cringe factor on the postmortem show, didn't they? I was originally attracted to project runway as it doesn't tend to obsess over petty drama, as far as I've seen. That said though, I was entertained by the stupid

More ambiguous word choice? I'm just telling you what he said…

No he said "1940s Russian and German Military" or something to that effect.

I think it may have been when NYC was having intense snow problems? I'm not totally sure, but that was my guess.

What happened to the user rating feature?

Oh Mitchell and Webb Look isn't that bland — it has some great bits here and there. That said, christ … numberwang — it's the epitome of "beaten to death." When I saw the first one I thought it was pretty funny; the "rotating the board" and showing two new smiling and waving players and just having them rotate back

Alright — my mistake, I realized you were talking about when I did the same thing, which I just noticed. I thought you were picking at me for not putting the question mark inside the quotation marks. Fine fine, I conceed.

Did you happen to notice that you criticized my punctuation in the form of a question, but ended the sentence with a period?

What the fuck are "traditional Midwestern values"? That's a phrase that's tossed around really casually with an air of "clearly you know what this means." All it does is make me think of whole wheat bread and double coupon day. Perhaps it's meant to conjure some Prarie Home Companion small-town wholesomeness,