Ghost of Nilsson

That album was always fucked up. "Let It Bleed, Genevieve" is callously referring offhand to a miscarriage one of his wives/girlfriends had. And does so in such a jaunty way! "Genevieve lies bleeding in my basement/misconceiving life again/off in the corner's her replacement…." "Wolfking" is dark and twisted, but it's

Worse crime: incest, or "Kokomo"? Well, Mike Love is still alive so I guess karma answered that one for us!

Met Brian Dennehy a few times before, too. Nice guy.

Take heart: at least you always know that the CIA is a much bigger group of incompetent, bumbling boobs.

"Within You Without You" is noise? That's the best song Harrison ever did.

He's on tour with Richard Thompson right now, seeing them next month.

I'm always thrilled when we pick a book I already own. And I only paid $3 for "Mysteries"!

@bascule: Was this the Lamplighter (now affectionately known as Hurricane Sweaty's) or Centerfolds?

Don't be fatuous, Tuxedo.

"Times Square" has an amazing soundtrack.

Lindsey's stuff is where it's at. Fucking nuts. "The Ledge"? Hello? Reassess and try again, that album's the best Fleetwood Mac album hands down.

I just watched "Jackie Brown" for the first time last night. It's good, but the pacing is awful. It just DRAGS.

Let's remember Michael Viner differently….
Despite his reputation as a bit of a sleazebag tabloid chaser of a publisher, remember the Incredible Bongo Band. Viner, while working for MGM Records, produced their two albums and came up with the whole concept. Creators of that version of "Apache" that's been sampled so

Definitely a better idea. I don't think Simon's talent lies in the historical vandalism of the American Underworld novels, but in what's happening right now.

I also love this idea. I don't think any director is brave enough to tackle Gaddis, but that sounds like a good match.

So far, "You Bright and Risen Angels" is the best of the stuff of his I've read. It's like he was young enough where the throw-everything-in approach was still charming. Still, I will at least try anything the guy writes…he's obviously a genius, but I'll probably die before I read everything he will have written.

Shit, I haven't even started. I may have to sit this one out. I bought the damn book, but between the red wine-induced headaches and various work crap, I try to read for two minutes and pass out. I'm interested and want to read it, but it's just not meant to be this time….

Yeah, so long Willy. That first Mink DeVille album is awesome…"Venus of Avenue D", the Crystals cover, "Cadillac Walk".

I enjoyed "Happy-Go-Lucky" and probably agree closest with mbs' sentiments toward it. Am I the only one who found Poppy's character even remotely charming? Was she supposed to be, or have I completely lost my shit? Regardless of whether she was supposed to be or not, anyway….