Ghost of Nilsson

Nick Lowe also released "The Convincer" on that day. Did anything else of note happen?

@Clueless Neophyte: Then you'd hate New England. New Englanders use the fucking f-word as fucking punctuation. It's a crying fucking shame.

"Human Amusements" is great and is realistically probably the best intro to GBV. But it's fucking sinful that it does not start with "Over the Neptune / Mesh Gear Fox", which is the single finest opening song EVER.

I admit to enjoying the book.
Did anyone else? Or, rather, will anyone else admit to it?

Or, "Country & Western Is Rubbish"

I certainly guffawed heartily.

"Good Girls Don't" is a freaking awesome song, by the way. "Sharona"'s okay.

Am I the only one who loves "Butcher's Tale"? It's so odd and out-of-place. I would agree that "Time of the Season" is the weakest song on there. Then again, almost anything sounds weak next to "Care of Cell 44" or "This Will Be Our Years". Definitely a believe-the-hype album.

It's hard to hate on "Lust for Life". Does anybody else just laugh when it comes on the commercials for Carnival Cruises? It's like, "HA! This song's about heroin, you plebes! And its use is hilariously inappropriate!"

@Joe Friday: "Twist and Shout" was actually originally recorded by The Top Notes, and produced by Phil Spector for Atlantic Records in '61.

It's the best song mentioned thus far. Recognize. Or something.

I rescind my statement above.

Reek of patchouli and cheap pot at a Phish show? At least it covers up the smack-you-in-the-face, feels-like-you're-swimming-in-it Vietnamese-jungle-humidity levels of B.O. that you're sure to experience at even the most open-air ICP event. Those people fucking reek, even compared to hippies.

@CronenBurger: Worcester does seem to have an oddly high percentage of those retards. I worked in a record store there for a couple years, and I could always tell the ICP douches, not because every stitch of clothing was ICP-branded, BUT BECAUSE OF THE STENCH.

Oooh, excellent point. Suck it, nerds!

I'm disappointed that I will no longer be able to lord the fact that I paid $4 for "Crazy Rhythms" on CD at a public radio station record sale 6-7 years ago over those who beg for its reissue.

Rather, will sit unloved on shelves for about 90 days, which is ordinarily the absolute bottom-of-the-barrel minimum most publishers make you keep a book for until you return that dog for credit. In this case, towards the next Michelle Malkin or Laura Ingraham book. Regnery. Clowns.

Reg E. Cathey is the reason I just Netflix'd this shit.

Yeah, "Blinded by the Light" rather.

@Thelonious Monkey: I need to thank you for that link, not just for the pictures which I'd already seen, but for the video of MLP reading "Blinded by the Night" as a bedtime story. Jesus Christ, that's the greatest thing I've seen, possibly ever.