Ghost of Nilsson

Harry himself said it was a song based on a poem his wife wrote zinging him for never being home.

"Canyons of Your Mind" by the Bonzo Dog Band. The only acceptable answer.

Bridgeport is way worse than Hartford or Waterbury. If you live in Avon obviously Hartford will seem like the shittiest of shitholes…just avoid the North End.

This was what I scrolled all the way down here to post.

Liked for "Hell Yeah". Amazing pick.

It's okay if you pick the Glen Campbell version.

I thought you were referring to Nancy Sinatra, which would've been funnier.

I thought you were referring to Nancy Sinatra, which would've been funnier.

Connecticut: the state without any identity at all! Everything east of the Connecticut River is part of Massachusetts, everything west is part of New York. While it may be the richest state in the union, its cities are all notorious slums. And remember: if you say a West Hartford resident lives in *gasp* Hartford and…

I own it. I'm only vaguely interested in the periodic Zappa project. I'm honestly not sure why I have it, and I've never fully listened to it. Still, MERRY GO, MERRY GO, MERRY GO ROUND, WOOT WOOT WOOT!

Huey Lewis may or may not have been in Clover when they recorded "My Aim Is True", but he was at least in England long enough to play harmonica on producer Nick Lowe's "Labour of Lust" album. "Born Fighter", specifically.

@Harry: I do have to correct you, if only because "das wagen-phone ist eine nuisance-phone" is a much, much, much funnier phrase for an elderly expat Hitler to speak.


"I like how Objectivists always trot out how many books Ayn Rand has sold to come to the conclusion that, ergo, Objectivism must be a good thing."

Huh. I saw him last year in Hartford and it was a great show. Maybe he had a bad night?

This was basically me. I loved "We Didn't Start the Fire" when it came out. Probably because I was already a gigantic nerd by the time I was 4 or 5. The first album I ever bought with my own money? "Face Value" by Phil Collins.

Dave Edmunds' version of "Queen of Hearts" is so awesome. It's too bad it basically got copied note-for-note by Juice Newton.

I used to use Yoko Ono's "Fly", "Trout Mask", and/or a scratched-up 45 of the Legendary Stardust Cowboy's "Paralyzed". That last one was my favorite.

All I know is Mark E. Smith threw a beer bottle at them and called them "cunts". Realistically, though, there's not many bands MES hasn't done that to. Although, a "load of retarded Irish folk singers" was pretty funny.

In a similar vein to "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life", I'd suggest the Bonzo Dog Band's "Slush". To those unfamiliar with it, it's two minutes of slightly dramatic funereal music punctuated with a repeated creepily hilarious bit of laughter. That's it.