Ghost of Nilsson

Back when the All Music Guide would print the periodic hatchet job, I thought they summed up Ringo Starr's awful, awful "Bad Boy" album with a perfect succinct review: "Bad album."

@Denby: Phil Ochs was probably drunk at the time, though. And Bob was probably to the fucking gills on speed. So I'm not entirely sure either were particularly responsible for their actions.

@intangible: I saw the famous "fuck you" bathroom mirror scene as mostly a "fuck you" to Brogan's character from himself. It was 5 minutes of deflecting before he finally looked at himself hard enough and realized it wasn't anyone's fault but his own.

@Leonard: That really says it all, doesn't it? There's a history book called "Freedom Just Around the Corner" by a Walter McDougall (yes, the title is from "Jokerman") whose central thesis is that America has always been a nation of "hustlers", people who do anything they have to do and can do to get by, sometimes not

You could convince me pretty easily that Chuck Berry's "Great 28" collection says all an alien invader would need to know about rock music and America's contribution to the arts. "Johnny B. Goode" went into space already. That says a lot.

@stza: I like the way you think. "Fortunate Son" AND "When the Revolution Comes". Good on ya.

Eh. I admit I'm more interested in the cultural phenomenon currently going on. It's unpopular to say, but was there anything left of the guy? He really hadn't done much musically interesting or worthwhile since "Thriller", and it doesn't surprise me that a likely mix of intense tour preparation and painkillers killed

I saw a werewolf buyin' a used car in Del Mar. It was a blood red Coupe deVille.

Mystic Pizza: The Musical!

@Bad College DJ: I never said I wasn't. But I'm skewing younger and hipper now. So I'm a slightly more approachable and cuddly conceited and cocky douche. Thanks for playing.

How does Netflix not have this shit?

At least Clapton's kid had the foresight to hurl himself out a window before that awful, awful song his dad wrote about him. Yeech.

I haven't taken any of those stupid things. I basically use Facebook to manipulate opinion of myself amongst my asshole co-workers. I don't think it'd help me to have them know if I'm Edward or Bella, or one of the other sparkly fruitcake vampires.

Where does one find "Skidoo", anyhow? It sounds far too brilliantly awful to pass up.

Yeah, Newbury Comics sells some garbage, but that stuff all bolsters the razor-thin profit margins on new CD's and DVD's. How else is a 20-store indie chain supposed to compete with Best Buy's new release prices anyway? If they want to put up a lot of goddamn t-shirts and shitty toys in order to facilitate good prices

It's definitely the Pagans.

I just saw it this week. Wait, am I not supposed to admit that? I think I ruined a joke.

"Kingpin" is a great performance in a movie that's more grotesque than interesting. It's monstrous scenery-chewing with a horrible, horrible toupee. Murray is so easily the best part of it.

So when I wear plaid flannel shirts, am I now making a retro fashion statement instead of just finding it a convenient alternative to wearing a jacket? Fuck, I always forget how far ahead of the ever-circling curve I am.

Best theme poster, or bestest theme poster?