Ghost of Nilsson

Girls love persistence. "Restraining order" is just playing hard to get. Go get 'em, champ!

Hey, I liked the She & Him album! But that's because I'm a complete dweeb.

The bells stopped on Sunday when he rose…Jew on a motorbike!

Are you suggesting that Thai hookers are not the types with the civic responsibility to alert the proper authorities and wait to give their official statement?

I'm not impressed by "Rubberband Man". For the Spinners, it's all about "I'll Be Around". Perfect.

Don't disrespect Daryl Hall. Don't get me wrong, he doesn't deserve to get anywhere close to this little list, but the guy's one of the top 10 blue-eyed soul singers ever. The guy's got the pipes, regardless of some of the absolute and utter schlock he barfed out in the '80s.

Keep going. I'd say this is his least accessible work, but I found it incredibly rewarding. Even when I could scarcely follow what was happening and the periodic paragraph got skimmed over twice, I was still amazed by the descriptive language. And the discussion here has helped a lot in terms of clarifying some plot

Poetry to me is useless on the written page. So much of poetry for me is in the sound of it that I get little enjoyment of reading it. That said, I find it hard to believe that one couldn't appreciate the sheer inventiveness of what someone in one the prior posts said, of finding 150 different ways to say "they rode

@Ged: I also found myself thinking, "wait, why are they doing this?", especially in the scene where the mules carrying quicksilver are knocked into the pit. I felt it was an abrupt shift from ostensibly hunting Apaches for frontier security to flat-out marauding and pillage. But I think that was the point.

"Suttree" is brilliant. I'd mark "BM" a shade below it, but I think that's only in sheer impenetrability. "BM", I just finished on Monday and I already want to go back and re-read and see what I missed and buy the concordance. "Suttree" was a bit easier going, but it's still in McCarthy's signature style. Read it.

Awww, marmalade!

@Gentle Herpes: EXACTLY what I was thinking. "Rollers Show" justifies the existence of The Bay City Rollers.

Wayne wins. The MC5 didn't fuck around. Plus, he's done some time in the joint.

Nothing KISS has ever been involved in could be considered "entertaining".

That deserves a re-release. I doubt we'll see it. Beatles collectors will buy absolutely anything, though, so there's a definite market.

That was probably the best song Bruce did in the last 10-15 years. Really.

Not suck? Sorry. If someone loves Weezer so dearly, I tend to call all their tastes into question.

"Saturdays" is also on top of the pile.

@nottheradio: You beat me to it. Especially since Riff mentioned Jonathan Richman upthread. "Road Runner" in its John Cale-produced dark organ-driven version is the perfect foot-to-the-floor summer night song. The trick is to drive fast enough down Route 128 to feel like you're keeping pace with the song. It's a treat

Ahh, Jonathan Richman. Is there anything the man's done that could possibly be hated? The "Modern Lovers Live" album is a masterwork of audience-baiting in the sweetest possible way. "That Summer Feeling" is the perfect answer for this one.