Ghost of Nilsson

@Lincolns Revenge: I have had that sign happily displayed in my workspace for almost 5 years now. My boss's boss once looked straight at it, obviously took a second to process it, and continued ignoring it for the next 3-4 years.

I remember. I don't want to know why. I also remember your license plate number.

Jincy Willett already wrote a novel called "Winner of the National Book Award". Same ballpark.

Am I the only one who still likes Greg Kihn? Really? Go download his second album, cleverly titled "Greg Kihn Again". It's awesome.

I work for a large soulless chain bookstore opening boxes all day. When this comes in, I'll be sure to write some failed firsties and print out Pilgrim's & Riff Randall's avatars and stick them in each and every copy. Now if only 800 other people doing my job would do the same….

The question is, do they still own the stuff? I know the Don Ellis reissues, for example, which were originally on Columbia, got licensed out to a smaller label for CD re-issue, and I know a few of Cecil Taylor's or Ornette Coleman's 70's LP's were too. I'd be interested to see how much of it does become available.

Ultimate geek tests
Like, me knowing that David Johansen's backing band (Johnny Rao and Buz Verno) that played on his first solo album was called the Staten Island Boys. He doesn't even remember that!

I think EC may well be the asshole from what I've gathered. I read "The Big Wheel" and can see how Elvis would not have been flattered, though it's a bit elliptical.

Fats Pinto, you are my hero.

The New Pornographers' rhythm section is phenomenal. They're not the most exciting band on stage, but you really get a feel for how complex some of the stuff is and how well they're able to replicate it. "Use It" and "Bleeding Heart Show" specifically have some of the best rhythm work of the '00s. And when I saw them,

Having just listened to pieces of "This Year's Model" and "Armed Forces" last night for what must be the thousandth time, I would heartily endorse Bruce Thomas as one of the top ten bassists in my own personal pantheon. Not that Pete's any slouch either. Those fuckers could all play.

Jody Stephens was also the only guy who stuck around for "Sister Lovers", and wrote the gorgeous "For You" which provides such a great counterpoint to the meltdown that is the rest of the album. He qualifies.

For new(-ish) Fall albums: The Real New Fall LP (Formerly Country on the Click) is brain-melting. Get the American version, though, because it has the much heavier "Theme from Sparta F.C." which will kick your ass. "Fall Heads Roll" is really good too. "Blindness" is appallingly scuzzy and hypnotic.

Cardi's has become almost as ubiquitous as Bob's, and almost as annoying.

LaVerdiere's and Reny's…whoa, flashback to when my grandparents lived in Gardiner and we took vacations there. (Mostly because it was a free place to stay. Damned cheapskate parents.)

God damn you, TinaSomething.

Motherfuck, New Englanders. How did we go this far until someone mentioned Ernie Boch and his idiot brood of Route 1 car dealer pissing matches? Jesus.

It's uncanny how much of this thread has described my life.

That's the greatest tattoo I've ever seen.

I'm glad somebody else mentioned the trainwreck that was "Harrison Bergeron", starring Sean Astin. Ick. If "3-page short story stretched to TV-movie lengths" appeals to you, then dig it out of the dollar bin.