Ghost of Nilsson

Childhood memories are coming back to me now. I never understood why people didn't love that movie more. Because they're stupid, probably.

I was actually thinking I liked it better when it was called "MILF Island".

Well done, Mr. Caine.

For what it's worth, Riff, the girl I've currently found myself fixated on lately in my charmingly pathetic fashion does indeed have the slight wisps of a mustache. Just goes to show what you can look past. Don't settle, ladies, when you could settle for me!

You're also not the only one who absolutely loathes themselves for thinking that when they read the headline. Fuck me.

Anyone read Jonathan Coe?
"The Rotters' Club" was probably the best book I read in 2008. Great stuff, and I think it'd be well-liked around here.

"Drop City" is brilliant. I love everything I've yet read by Boyle, and would heartily recommend any of his novels for this.

Naah, Nick Hornby's good. "High Fidelity" is still one of those great insights into the male mind, wrapped up in a cute story about being a fuck-up.

Lydia Millet is a good suggestion for this theme. "Oh Pure and Radiant Heart" especially. Her others are pretty slim.

I read the entire Hubert Selby canon by the time I was 18. Nothing shocks me. And McCarthy's a far, far better writer.

"Snow Crash" or "Zodiac" or "The Diamond Age" may be better suited to the timeline to which we appear to be sticking. "Cryptonomicon" (nor "Anathem" or the Baroque Cycle) does not seem like something I could breeze through. Well, neither does "Blood Meridian" actually….

I'd agree with "Carpenter's Gothic" as a great choice for the book club. Might be a little difficult to come by, as is all Gaddis lately…he's in danger of becoming forgotten by all but stuffy academics and dweebs like me who didn't graduate college. It's Gaddis' shortest and most accessible work, which is staggering

" There's pinstripes, and then there's pindicks. "

Do you have any better hostages?

Desperadoes Under the Eaves
The French Inhaler
Leave My Monkey Alone

I don't understand why people seem to dislike "Nighthawks at the Diner" so much. It's probably my favorite Tom Waits album on the whole.

"Fun House": greatest rock album of all time. I will accept no disagreements.

So, is the "burly hipster truck driver" look in now all of a sudden? Are there bonus points involved for liking the Hold Steady? I've always looked like this (read: like crap) but if there's hipster indie girls in the equation now, I'll keep drinking all this beer!

Totally agree with these comments. I haven't had much to say (I only finished the book last night and am playing catch-up with 2 days worth of comments and staff posts) but reading all these really finely honed viewpoints has left me with a much deeper appreciation of the book than I may have otherwise had. I'm game

I definitely agree with kerouac9's analysis and was about to post something similar. The best thing about the book, and the one that convinces me to overlook its fairly notable flaws, is the sheer commitment to creating its own universe. There are a few subtle and not-so-subtle clues as to when the action is taking