Ghost of Nilsson

I find it very difficult to be concerned about geese being harmed. Those are some nasty, unpleasant animals. Except one that I remember a relative owning that liked to be hugged.

I know all the words, but I'm not sure that made any sense.

That reminds me of a brilliantly stupid line from George's solo brilliantly stupid "Paint the White House Black". A stoned Dr. Dre calls the White House looking for Clinton, "who, Bill Clinton? Hell no I'm talkin' bout George Clinton!"

I third the love for "Game, Dames and Guitar Thangs". His "California Dreamin'" is the best version of that song ever possible.

I think "Mothership" is the perfect entry point. "Standing on the Verge" is a good one too, but "Mothership" also introduces all the crazy-ass concepts 'n shit for the uninitiated.

Women are frightening. Now I can use this thread as a reason to stay celibate, instead of my repellent personality and other raging personal flaws. Thanks, ladies!

"Street-Legal". And "At Budokan". I love the Budokan "Blowin' in the Wind" more than any other version.

What kind of sissy gets a head-splitting hangover from Sam Winter Lager?

And drunk, apparently. What could be better?

Might trick her once. Won't let you trick her twice.

I even bought that shit collection of outtakes Bob Pollard spewed out last year or so, "Superman Was a Rocker". I own two Circus Devils albums. I'm looking for more. Pollard can do no wrong. Each album he's been involved in (and holy motherfuck is that a lot) has at least one staggeringly brilliant tune on it. Often

@Scott Pilgrim: "Peace in Our Time" and "The Comedians" at very least are great songs. "Goodbye Cruel World" sounds like absolute plastic hell, though. There's a solo electric "Peace in Our Time" from the Tonight Show in '84 on YouTube, check it out. But, yeah, Costello doesn't need a lifetime pass, because he's still

A co-worker was today trying to convince me to invite people to his house for a pig roast. I told him I was game, and fuck our vegan friends and their red paint flinging buzzkills!

Every time I hit the package store, I come a little bit closer to buying the flask. Hard liquor is hard for those around you to smell, right?

There's a high school group called The Newtones on this album. I saw them at an in-store appearance, and felt kinda bad for thinking a few of them were wicked cute. Considering they're probably, you know, 16 or whatever.

I'm fairly certain "The Wire" doesn't quite have the established widespread credibility that it does here. Considering most of the actors were journeyman "Hey-it's-that-guy" types, and "The Wire" is still basically a cult show, it doesn't seem likely that they could be too picky with roles. Hell, I saw a "Law & Order"

Mitch Ryder's version of "When You Were Mine" is freakin' awesome. Believe it. Even though it was produced by John Mellencamp.

People who call themselves lifelong Prince geeks should pool their resources and put together one badass compilation of all the great, great stuff from his not-so-stellar post-SO'tT albums so the ignorant among us can sort the wheat from the chaff. I don't doubt there's moments of staggering genius on, say,

Do said jukeboxes have "Pussy Control"? I love that filthy damn song. Maybe I just don't hit the good bars enough.

Dee Dee's speech at his R&R HOF induction is what moved me. What a moment in a doc full of 'em.