Ghost of Nilsson

I was just thinking what a heartless son of a bitch I am, because I can't recall crying at any movies since I've been an adult. I haven't even seen "The Future Is Unwritten" yet, and that sound clip with that "that's my spiel" line is the very last thing on the soundtrack before "Willesden to Cricklewood". Definitely

Yeah. With Roxy Music, start with "Country Life". After that, you just need to get all the albums up to "Siren". If you love all this, as you well should, get "Manifesto" and "Flesh + Blood". Both of them have their fantastic moments but shouldn't be your starting point. They've only got, like, seven official albums.

I'm fairly certain I'm just a gigantic gaping asshole, upon further reflection. Ah well.

I'd be impressed if you had the Criterion version of this. It'll happen. Just you wait.

All humanity has been leading up to this moment.

Did anyone else laugh their asses off at the scene where the girls kills herself in the bathtub to the strains of "Without You"? I did. I don't think I was supposed to, considering someone upthread called the storyline "heartbreaking". Whoops!

The Isley Brothers' cover of "Love the One You're With" will wash all the lingering bad taste from the original away. But most of their covers will do that. Like "Summer Breeze"…fuck those old hippie corpses Seals & Crofts. Not literally.

@Crackity: I will never miss an opportunity to let people know how goddamn great that John Phillips album is.

It's kind of subversive that a movie is based on a Robert Coover short story. Let's not forget this is the author whose "Public Burning" was withdrawn by the publisher and not reprinted until Richard Nixon's death because it pushed the boundaries of what could legally be defined as satire. I think it involved Nixon

@Clueless Neophyte: Borders is not eliminating CD's and DVD's in order to fit more books, they're eliminating them because of shit profit margins. Your local Borders will feel a lot airier and open a couple months from now. Get used to it: it'll be completely gone next year.

"Calvin & Hobbes" and MAD Magazine are the two forms of media on which I blame the person I am today. I started reading "C&H" by the time I was 7, long before I understood all of it. Now, the last strip damn near makes me blubber like a little baby.

"One Day in September" was impressive too. You know, in case anyone cares.

Used bookstores and online sellers of remaindered or "bargain" books have made my physical collection balloon past 1,000. What, shipping is free over $75? And $75 buys me about 30 books! Awesome!

Oh, a fucking "Fan's Notes"! Possibly my favorite book of all time. Laugh-out-loud funny and legitimately brilliant. Maybe the best insight into the male mind I've ever read.

"Dhalgren" is the SF "Finnegans Wake". Probably not a real good suggestion for a book club less than a month out….

Do we need to break away from a distant monarchy again? Have I missed some recent events?

"He's a Rebel" by Marc Ribowsky is a good read too, though now probably in need of an update. Spector tried to sue the author before it came out, so you know it's good.

Check out this link:

<— adds "UHF" to the mental Netflix queue, for when I finally cave and sign up. Something tells me the movie won't be as great as it was when I was 11, but I caught parts of it on tv the other night and still laughed, so….

Yeah, Meth definitely didn't play some star-tripping gangsta bullshit. Cheese was believable like someone upthread said, as a kid in his dad's shoes. He always knew he could fall back on his uncle's reputation, until he thought he could do better, and I guess Slim Charles showed him, huh?