Ghost of Nilsson

Considering the circumstances of Ricky Nelson's death, I'm fairly certain he didn't have any skin left. So reanimation would probably prove fairly disgusting and wildly unsuccessful.

The Calvin's not that bad. It was cheaper to see Lindsey Buckingham there last fall than it was at Berklee in Boston. And I only paid $25 to see Nick Lowe play to a half-full Calvin!

Correction: That *improvident* lackwit!

I wouldn't say I'm scared of cockroaches, but they're one of the only creatures that simply gross me the fuck out. Dry heaving when I see one move levels of gross. I can deal with bees and spiders and other various millipedes and centipedes and waterbugs, but to me roaches are just emblematic of the filthiest and most

"Archives" will never be released. Simple as that.

I loved the book. I read it when I was maybe 16 and I've been meaning to read it again.

I'd like to think if I were rich, I'd still hit the flea market.

"Middle Cyclone" was a slight step down from "Fox Confessor", but it's still thoroughly awesome. I don't get what "Prison Girls" was trying to do but it's the only weak thing on the album. (Besides the 30 minutes of frog noises that I didn't bother listening to.) The title track is where it's at, kids. It'll probably

The Burritos' "Wild Horses" is better than the Stones.

I definitely still like "House" and liked this episode fairly well, but this season has been definitely trying my patience. It hasn't felt like there's been a story arc, and it feels like it's flailing.

One of the greatest accomplishments of my meager, pitiful, sad life is having seen Joe Strummer with the Mescaleros at the end of 2001. Between him and Link Wray, I'm intensely proud of the few concerts I've chosen to attend. Both amazing goddamn shows.

As much as I love Warren Zevon, "The Wind" was kinda weak. Poignant, but I'd rather listen to any of his other albums. I'm mean.

01002 - Amherst: Where skyscrapers meet manure.

Right on about "Suttree". People forget that it's goddamn hilarious, which is unexpected for McCarthy's normal blood-soaked apocalyptica.

Just watched "The Germans" the other night for what must be the hundredth time. Still cracks me up. I hope it always does.

Am I the only one who thinks "London Calling"'s whole fourth side (bar "Train in Vain", natch) is pretty terrible? It's such a letdown compared to the other three sides of brilliance. (INCLUDING "The Card Cheat", you scrooges.)

I tore through "Catcher" for the first time when I was 14 and loved it. I wound up grabbing a junior-year English class by the scruff of the neck and explaining it better than the incompetent teacher could, to the chagrin of my classmates I'm sure. I have no idea how it would hold up today, but it's on the very, very

Yeah, I blew through all 5 seasons in the span of less than two months. When I got to the last discs of S5, I seriously considered just NOT watching the last few episodes and starting over. Though, the cold open of the very last episode, with Carcetti's dumbfounded reactions (I don't think that's a spoiler), is the

I was rooting for the kid to just get smacked in the back of the head. Maybe I'm just not the intended target audience. Ads like this make me want to take up smoking, just as a fuck you to anyone who thinks they're effective.

Phil Ochs' "Greatest Hits" - not actually a compilation, it's the one with him dressed in Elvis-style gold lame on the cover - runs neck and neck with "Rehearsals for Retirement" in chronicling the death of an artist's mind. Two amazing albums. "No More Songs" is just heartbreaking.